The walls were white and black. The background was white with black, large peacock paintings covering each space between the doors. It was magnificent.

The floors were equally tiled black and I couldn't help but gasp at the beauty of this mansion.

When I got to the last door, I knocked.

"Come in..." The husky voice said.

My hands shook a bit but I squared my shoulders to comport myself.

I held the tray with one hand and quickly opened the door with the other, stepping in.

The floor was smooth against my flats as I took the first step in. I looked down to see I was walking on plush red carpet that felt like grass, but smooth and warm.

I took a single sweep around the royally decorated room and decided not to slip out of my flats even though a part of me wanted to feel the smooth carpet against my bare feet.

Thick red curtains blocked the early morning sun from seeping in. The curtains had streaks of gold scattered around them.

We had been here since yesterday but were directed to sleep in a room and wait to be interviewed this morning because Agatha said it was too late to attend to me when we arrived yesterday.

A king size bed with red sheet was beside the window and a large book shelf was just by the left beside the bed. The scenery outside was beautiful, with large green trees spread around. It took my breath away.

Just a stretch at the window and one would get the whole magnificent view of the back.

"Come this way." The voice said, snapping me back to my senses and the reason I was in that room.

I looked sideways and took the tray towards him like I'd been ordered. He was now wearing a white singlet but was still in boy shorts. I had seen guys in boy shorts before but not all of them looked like a model fresh out of a photo shoot.

"Have your seat."

"Thank you."

Brownie points for me. I hadn't stuttered or missed a foot since I entered this royally decorated room.

"Tell me about yourself." He took a sip of the coffee and leaned back on the opposite side of the chair I was sitting on.

I cleared my throat nervously. The last time I had told someone something about myself was when I applied for a job in a mall.

Having to talk about myself was somewhat awkward because I didn't do that a lot.

I mean, what's there to say?

"My name is Rosa Matteo, from the family of five. I am an Italian and I have two younger siblings. I am twenty four years old. My parents are in France...." I cleared my throat and looked right into his eyes like mama had taught me to do whenever I was speaking to someone since childhood. "As you well know, I'm the new nanny. That's pretty much all."

He took another sip of his coffee and the most captivating smile I had ever seen on a man slowly appeared on his lips.

"So you are the one."

"Er yes." I tried for a smile but his gaze was unwavering.

"Okay. So you will have to follow me everywhere. I really don't need a sitter like they have been pestering me with but you will do."


He doesn't need a sitter but...I will do? Do what?

"I'm not your sitter, sir. You must be mistaken." I tried to laugh the awkwardness away, slapping my right knee as my abdomen started clenching in panic.

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