Chapter 35

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Chapter 35



"He deserved to know Ryan!" I'm trying to keep my voice down but I'm furious. How could she go the last six months and not tell him? I know Baxter left because of his broken heart. I understand how hard it is for him here. This could help mend his heart.

"He moved to New York Char. He didn't want to be here. What do you think will happen sweetheart? Sarah isn't exactly mother material either." Ryan points out.

He's right but this is about a baby. She could change. I'm stubborn when I need to be but I have to talk to Baxter. He can't be here and not see her? This town is small, it's not like they won't run into each other.

"I see that look sweetheart. I know that look and it's not up to you on this one. Please just stay out of it. We've got our own hands full now." Ryan motions to our sweet little princess in my arms.

He's right we have a lot of our own to think about. I guess adding to that list isn't a good idea but Baxter is family. Nat would want us to watch out for him. Shutting him out when he needs us isn't what she would want. It's definitely not what I plan on doing. I won't close that door for Nat or Ryan.

I'm learning to do a lot with one hand or with her in my arms. She's going to be attached to me for quite a while so I better get used to working with her on me. One of the ladies got me a nursing sling and a front pack to carry her in. Boy will those come in handy.

We've been told that everything is good so we will be discharged shortly. Ryan calls Pops to let him know and he's finishing up at the store to get what we might need for later. I appreciate the help. It seems I know the grocery store better than the employees there lately. I spend so much time there. Any help is appreciated.


I left Bailey at the ranch to get acclimated and I went to town under the ruse of getting groceries for Charlie. I'll get there eventually right now I need a drink. Sitting down in the dark bar where Nat and I would come to hang out, I remember my girl.

A glass of whiskey in my hand I silently toast her. Her hair that was the color of whiskey, her eyes as bright as the sky. Those plump sexy lips that used to smirk at me teasing me to kiss her. God I fucking miss her so much. What the fuck did I do? I not only lost the one girl I've ever loved but I'll never see her again. I'll never be able to tell her I love her or how much I miss her.

I slam the whiskey swallowing the whole thing before waving down the bartender for another. "Just leave the bottle."

"Well someone is drinking their sorrows away." Her voice made me cringe. I don't want to deal with Sarah right now.

"Sarah I'm mourning...." My eyes immediately go to her very obvious belly. I freeze and just stare down at the bulge. Having just spent this past time with Charlie being very pregnant I'm gonna say Sarah's been this way for a while a good five, six months at least.

"Close your mouth Baxter even my breasts aren't that big." Sarah takes the seat next to me. "Well this is familiar. I was the one drowning myself in whiskey last time. I'm sorry about Nat. I know we never liked each other but she was Ryan's sister and your..... I'm just sorry."

I nod thinking about Nat and that night that spiraled me into my long list of bad decisions. I really fucked up. Running my hand over my face and through my hair I don't want to feel anything anymore. I'll never forgive myself for losing her the way I did.

"Baxter... I saw Charlie and the baby. ..." She stops and looks down at her belly and strokes it.

"How far along are you?" I ask slowly putting the pieces together.

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