Chapter 18

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Growing up I never thought I would see the day my brother would find a girl that would make him change his entire life around for, but Charlie has definitely done that and I don't think she's even tried to do it. He was hell bent on staying single his entire life until he met her. Somehow she managed to get under his skin and make him want her more than the single life. Now, Ryan doesn't want anything else. Watching him now I can see he finally grown up. Ryan is sitting next to Charlie holding her hand, they are so wrapped up in each other that they haven't noticed that we've taken off.  Baxter is sitting next to me and we're watching them whispering to each other, like no one else exists.

"Do you think they know there's other people on this flight?" I ask Baxter.

He chuckles softly and takes my hand, bringing it to his lips kisses it softly. "I think your brother has finally decided to grow up. He found what was missing all this time."

"Well, I'm good with it. At least Charlie helped with breaking the news about us to him. I really thought he would give you a harder time about it. I think she had a lot to do with it and that's why I like Charlie. She's nice, smart, she's cooks like Grandma used to and she doesn't take any shit from Ryan, which cracks me up." I lower my voice and lean closer to Baxter. "But I'm worried about her on this trip though. Baxter what about her father? If he's as bad as you said, is she safe?"

"Honestly, sweetheart,  I'm not sure any of us are safe from her father. He doesn't want her on the ranch for whatever reason. And he is determined to keep her under his control. I think being as he's lost all of that, Mr. Layton is going to be very unhappy with all of us." And that's what really bothers me. If he's capable of hurting Charlie as bad as he did, what's going to hold him back from hurting any of us.

I did my own research on the Layton family when Charlie first got here. I made a point not to share it with anyone else, only because I didn't want to hurt Charlie's feelings and I didn't want to get yelled at by my brother. What I found out was that Charles Layton is very high and mighty in New York. He runs one of the biggest Conglomerates in New York. His wife, or ex wife, Amelia lives in Paris, and still owns her portion of Layton Industries as well as her stocks and trust. She doesn't, however, have anything to do with Charles or her daughter Charlotte. This I found very strange, what kind of mother just walks away from their only child?

"Nat? What are you thinking about?" Baxter asks me. He taps my arm gently getting my attention. I know I'm frowning but I have a feeling there's something there with Charlie's mother leaving that has something to do with Charlie and this control issue her father has.

I really have to word this right. "What happened to Charlie's mom?"

Baxter thought about it for a moment, but he didn't have an answer for me. Turning to the cuddling couple next to us, he interrupted them. "Hey Charlie! What happened to your mother? Is she in New York too?"

Charlie's face got very sad and distant. She looks as though she would cry, but quickly pulls herself out of it. "My mother left when I was three before my father sent me to stay with my grandparents. I don't know where she is other than Europe. I was told by my father that she couldn't handle me and my behavior issues, so she went to live elsewhere. I suppose he blames me for her leaving, but then he basically did the sa...."

"Charlie, you don't have any issues, other than your father is crazy." I tell her. She shouldn't feel she's to blame for her parents abandoning her. Once again her father was using guilt as control over her. I can see how it affects her and why she has such a hard time trusting herself not to mention others. Ryan did well breaking through her walls and getting her to trust him. He's probably the only person she truly trusts.

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