Chapter 9

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We agreed to talk about this idea of Charlie's over dinner. With a quick shower and both of us changed we headed into town. I want to treat Charlie to a nice night out with no stress. I'm thinking she hasn't had a stress free night in a while. Charlie's quiet on the drive into town and it's got me wondering if something happened today. She's not overly talkative as it is but she seems rather distant, distracted tonight.

"You okay sweetheart? You're really quiet." I ask taking her hand in mine. Stroking my thumb along the back of her hand I wait for her to answer.

"I don't want to fail." She says softly. "I have an idea that I really want to do. I really think will work, but I'm scared."

Her confession is telling of the kind of life she's had. It breaks my heart to know that her father broke her spirit this badly. I've never seen anyone so afraid to even dream of a future for fear of failure. The son of a bitch better never come to Texas. He won't like what he finds here.

"Are you scared the business will fail, sweetheart? If it involves you and cooking I guarantee there's no way it will fail. You were born to cook sweetheart." She needs to be encouraged, but I have all the faith in her abilities as a cook, she's good. She just doesn't believe in herself. All of us have tasted her food, she's more than capable of opening a business.

"I'm scared of letting you down." Charlie whispers. I'm taken back by this, no one had ever been worried about letting me down. It's usually me letting everyone else down. This confession caused me to pull the truck over. "I don't want to be told I'm not good enough for you. I know how good of a person you are Ryan. You have been so sweet to me and I feel like I fail you all the time because I'm such a struggle to be with. I don't want to be that way."

This is really hitting her hard. I don't see her that way, I don't see her as a struggle. She had a shit life handed to her. Of course her trust level will be zero. I have to earn that trust and I get it. She's broken, rebuilding yourself isn't that simple. But she's stronger than she gives herself credit for. She just doesn't see it. I have no problem working to win her trust. I'm up for that task. She's anything but a struggle to me. She has to challenge herself daily just to make it through with all the obstacles her father placed in front of her. If anything she's beating them all by getting herself up and moving forward everyday. I couldn't be more proud of her.

"Char, you don't fail me. I'm here because I want to be. I don't see you as a struggle in any way. I like what we've got going here. Do you?" I ask her hoping she still wants it. Charlie nods biting that lip. "Then don't worry, baby. I'm not going anywhere. And if someone tells you you aren't good enough for me, then they're probably jealous. No one makes that call but me and if anything I'm still working on being good enough for you."

"You already are. I don't want you to change because of me." She says softly looking into her lap. "You bend over backwards for me, Ryan. I haven't given you anything."

"You're giving me a chance. You are so special Char and you don't even see it. I'm happy, happier than I've been. Trust me you do plenty." I lean over and kiss her softly. She's all I want. I don't know who's put these thoughts in her head but I'm going to make sure they don't stick. "No more bad thoughts tonight okay? I want to hear this idea."

Charlie nods again and I move the center console up and unhook her seatbelt. Sliding her to the middle of the bench, I hook her into the middle belt and wrap my arm around her shoulder. I need her closer to me tonight. I'm not taking my hands off her. Ten minutes later we get to the restaurant and head in. It's busy but not bad as we wait to be seated. Holding my girl I look around and spot Dale and Sarah in the bar. Shit!

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