Chapter 32

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Thank you for reading! Sorry this one took so long I got stuck 😉

Chapter 32


The sheriff can't find Steven. It's been two weeks and they're still looking for him. We've all been staying close to home while they search. Until I know he's back in jail and both the girls are safe they're under lock and key. I know it's driving them both crazy but I'm not taking any more chances with them. They've been through enough. I've gone so far as to move both Nat and Baxter into the house until it's safe.

The girls are together and that helps both of them while Baxter can work from the kitchen table while I deal with the ranch. His priority has been getting the funding settled for the ranch anyway and situating all of Charlie's money so this has worked for now. The new stable is done and we've got room for more horses as well as having sold off a large portion of the cattle to cover that construction cost. I'm still holding on to a few heads just in case Charlie decide to keep them. A bull good for breeding and twenty heads are all that remain. We'll see what the boss lady decides after this.

The fall storms have begun and the horses are knocking down fences and acting up causing more work on the fence lines. At least Charlie has put more than enough money in the ranch account for us to take care of it all. Baxter closed the loans out on the ranch today so we now own it free and clear. I know this is a huge stress load off of all of us.

He's also selling the property in New York and getting a new CEO for the company lined up. The police searched the office building and found evidence that corroborated Charlie's and Natalie's statements on what happened there. Charlie has been adamant about the top floor being remodeled with a place for the employees to relax and have lunch or work out. She wants nothing to remind her of the past. She's taking a very positive attitude towards this but I know she's still struggling inside.

These storms are keeping all of us here on the ranch. We are planning a poker game for the hands tonight at the house then we'll do something for the weekend to celebrate the ranch being ours. I know Charlie is happy to be cooking again. It's keeping her calm not knowing if the sheriff will be knocking on our door to take her away. I think they are waiting until they find Steven to make an arrest. From what Baxter has said the evidence is in our favor right now.

"This fucking mud and rain is making construction start on the new building to wait. Ryan we might have to wait till spring if this doesn't let up soon." Baxter says as he helps me unload the hay delivery. I've got Jose and Marco working with the new hands we've hired.

"Nope we're gonna start as planned. It'll stop." As I carry the hay into the barn I look up at the dark skies. It better stop. I want this under way I've got a baby coming soon.

The lightning strikes across the sky just as the thunder cracks loud over us. It's so loud I can hear the sizzle from the lightning. These storms can get nasty and none of us want to be out in them. It's a good thing Charlie suggested the bigger barn doors, we are now able to get a truck into the barn to unload the hay with no worries about the weather.

The boys come running into the barn just as the rain starts pouring down in sheets. I look out the door and I can't even see the house. I can see maybe five feet out but it's pouring. I won't be able to get back to the house until it lets up. I know Charlie and Nat are together but I need to know they're safe.

"Hey sweetheart are you girls okay?" I ask when Charlie picks up.

"We're fine. I've got chili on cooking and rolls in the oven. You think you boys can get here for dinner?" Charlie sounds so much better than a couple weeks ago.

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