Chapter 6

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Enjoy 😊

Chapter 6


"I came here to so we could spend time together, Daddy! I've missed you and Mom. You left me with Gramps and Grandma and never came back for me." I yelled at him. It's been a long time since I had this nightmare. I thought they were over, but after Gramps dying they've come back. This one was more vivid, it was like I was seventeen and there at my father's office for the first time aIl over again. It was the only place I could reach him. He never took my calls and I didn't know where he lived. I couldn't find my mother, all I knew was that she was out of the country. The dream was clear as day as I rolled over away from Ryan.

"I left you there because I didn't have time for a child, Charlotte. You're no more grown up than when I left you at three." I was five I thought? Didn't he know how old I was? "Didn't your grandparents teach you anything? Christ!" He paced away from me and over to the large window that looked out over downtown Manhattan. "If you stay here there are rules you will follow, Charlotte. There are no exceptions, these rules will be followed or there are punishments."

"I came to visit, Daddy not stay. Gramps needs help. I have to go back." I tell him.

"I'm Father to you. Gramps is an old man. You can't help him." He says walking to me and hovering over me. Controlling, intimidating me. "You're staying and you'll do as I say Charlotte. You won't have a say. Take this as your first lesson."

"Daddy!" The slap across my face was hard enough to knock me to the floor. I held my cheek and could taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I looked up in fear at the man before me. He wasn't who I remembered. The anger and lust to release his rage was clear in his eyes. What happened to him?

"Who am I, Charlotte?" He stood over me ready to hit me again.

"Father." I said softly and he nodded. I could feel my tears burn my eyes and stream down my cheeks. Then the next hit came.

"Emotions are for the weak, Charlotte. You're weak. Don't ever cry in front of me again. Wipe those tears away and pull yourself together. I won't tolerate this kind of behavior." The next hit came and the next.

I cried and curled up into a ball shaking as my body remembered each connection of his hand on me. I jerked around pulling my arm, my leg from the beating. The pain was excruciating, but I wasn't allowed to cry, so I softly sobbed holding it in as best as I could.

"You will obey without question Charlotte. I won't see you, until I want to see you. Obedience is not an option. I demand it. Do you understand, Charlotte?" I shifted again and sobbed loudly as the memory of the belt to my back hit my body.

"Char, sweetheart wake up." Ryan shook me gently and called to me over and over. His voice stayed soft and soothing although he shook me like he was afraid. "Come on, Sweetheart it's okay. It's just a nightmare, baby. You're okay."

I sat up with a sudden jolt and Ryan sat up with me. I was shaking like a leaf. I couldn't seem to stop. Ryan wrapped his arms around me and pulling me as tight as he could into his chest. I crawled into his lap and buried myself into him. His heart was pounding as hard as mine was. I must have woke him up with a start. He held tight, his hands gentle running over my skin and my hair. I could feel myself calming as soon as I was against his bare chest. He felt like a safety zone for me. He was the only man that has stood up for me. The only one that has shown me this kind of affection and the only one that I feel I can trust. At least so far, I don't trust, not completely after all I've been through. He shifts us and lays us back down into the bed and pulls me flush with his body.

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