Chapter 20

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We rushed upstairs to Ryan and Charlie's room so Ryan could get Charlie comfortable on the bed. I've never seen someone have such a panic attack like Charlie had. I'm glad Ryan knew what to do and we had worked out ahead of time a plan for an emergency just in case something happened. Ryan and Natalie were in the lobby as planned waiting for us, just as we walked in the door. I was barely carrying Charlie by that point.

"Charlie? Sweetheart what happened?" Ryan asked taking her out of my arms and lifting her into his own. "Did her father show up?"

"She had a panic attack, Ryan, she freaked out. I tried to calm her down, man, but it didn't work. I didn't see her father." I raked my fingers through my hair in frustration. I felt horrible. I promised Ryan I would take care of Charlie and this happened to her. I felt like this was my fault.

"Let's get her up to my room." Ryan says and heads up immediately. We're racing up the stairs, right behind him. I forgot how in shape Ryan is. That's what happens when you work on ranch all the time, the boys in shape. I'm gonna have to spend some extra time out there to get back into shape. We get to our floor and Natalie opens the door and Ryan carry's Charlie in and lays her on the bed.

He sits next to her for a few minutes while Natalie and I stay back to give them some privacy. Natalie takes my hand to get my attention. "Hey, so how'd it go? Did you get the money?"

"No, they refused to release the funds to her until she proves that she's sane." I told her.

Ryan turned around and looked at me, his eyes narrowed down on me like he heard me wrong. "Are you fucking kidding me? They think she's the crazy one? Her father is the one that's done all this shit to her! She's the victim here! This is fucking bullshit!"

Natalie sat down on the bed next to Charlie while Ryan paced around the room. He was angry. Furious and looked like a caged animal searching for a way out of his cage. He was ready to strike out at someone, at the moment.  I'm afraid it could be any one of us. The last thing Charlie needs is for that to be her. She needs calm and care, not her boyfriend freaking out and ready to go after the first person that pisses him off.

Ryan was livid and I understood it. I was right there with him on it. I also understand that him going off the way he is at the moment isn't what Charlie needs to hear. "Ryan! Ryan! Let's take walk. Charlie is gonna be hungry when she wakes up. We should go grab some food for us and bring it back."

Ryan stopped walking and looked at me then down at Charlie, mentioning her seemed to bring him back down a bit. His entire demeanor seems to be different for her. The way he looks at her, touches her, he's soft, gentle. He walked over to the bed and leaned over her. Kissing her forehead, he brushed her hair off her face. She looks peaceful right now. Ryan stood up and walked to the door.

"We'll be back shortly, Natalie." Ryan says and the two of us head out. We walk down the hall and of course he wants to take the stairs. I keep up and follow him down. "I'm sorry, I lost it. I'm worried."

"I get it. I'm sorry I couldn't get her calmed down. I didn't know what else to do. Does she have them often?" It's hard to have a serious conversation while hurrying down the stairs.

"She's had a few. She has medicine she can take but I don't think she brought it. She hasn't needed it in a while. The stress must be getting to her." We hit the bottom floor and and head out to the lobby then outside to the street. We turn the corner and go across the street to the sandwich shop.

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