Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


He's here. He's come to finish the job he started. He's come for Charlie and I. I know those eyes staring back at me anywhere. Steven is here.

My heart is pounding so hard I can feel it in my head. I know those eyes. They've haunted me every night since we got back from New York. Awake or asleep doesn't matter, I see them. I don't know if he can see me or not but I can see the outline of his body standing right there on the other side of the glass.

Setting the pen and paper on the table, I move as quietly as I can to get to Charlie so she knows he's here. Crawling across the floor I'm keeping my eyes on the window. Silently I slide myself across the floor to the kitchen before I whisper to Charlie.

"Charlie get to the floor. He's here. Steven is here." I hope she listens. I can hear her harsh intake of air then I hear her moving to shut off the stove. I can see the flames go out and Charlie grasping for something on the counter behind me before I look back into the living room. Charlie fumbles with something before sitting next to me.

"I'm texting Ryan and Baxter now." She whispers and I see she has a towel over her head and hands blocking the light from her phone. "You need to get to the knife block. You need a weapon."

I peak over the counter and look to see what's close. All I see is a cast iron frying pan. I've seen Tangled, I know this can work if I wield it right. Rapunzil wasn't much bigger than I am right? Grabbing the handle I drag it off the counter and hit myself in the head.

"Ow! Shit that hurt!" I grumble quietly as Charlie turns to see what I did. She giggles softly seeing what I grabbed. "What? Tangled used it. It'll hurt when I throw it at his face."

I didn't expect the pan to be as heavy as it was. Charlie works with these pans all the time. She has a bunch of them too. I've watched her work in the kitchen with these. I didn't realize just how strong Charlie is to cook with these.

"We need to introduce you to more adult movies." Charlie whispers. Showing me the long sharp kitchen knife in her hand.

"I don't like slasher films. Mike Myers and Freddie gives me the creeps." I shiver thinking about that. I hate those movies but I swear this is exactly like them right now. We hear the doorknob jiggle and stop talking. I really wish the guys would get here.

Charlie takes a deep breath and stands up. "Stay put. I'm done hiding. I want my life back and I don't want to feel afraid anymore."

"I'm not staying here by myself and you're pregnant with my niece. I can't let anything happen to you. We go together." I stand up with her and nod as we walk together to the front door. "Get ready."

Charlie held the knife out, her little fingers wrapped tightly around the handle. I lifted the pan up like it's a baseball bat and prepare to swing as soon as the door opens. Our eyes lock silently communicating what to do. Charlie slowly unlocks the door and grips the knob. We're ready to defend ourselves and our family.

The lightning flashes just as Charlie swings the door open. We can see Steven standing just feet from us. I'm out the door before Charlie can move. Running forward, I swing the fry pan as hard as I can at Steven's face. I can feel the impact throb up my arms sending him flying back down the steps and into the mud.

"Bitch! You're gonna pay!" Steven growls at me getting to his feet before he begins slashing a knife out at me and catching me in the arm. The blood pours out of the cut mixing with the rain. I scream out in pain but it's not going to stop me. No matter how bad it hurts I keep going.

Deadly Inheritance (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz