Chapter 22

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I was raised to never throw the first punch. So far I've been able to keep that promise to my mother. I don't know if I can continue it given the circumstances here, but I think my mother would have understood and stood by my decision to kick Charles Layton's ass for what he's done to his daughter. I can't stand by and allow her to hurt anymore. I may not throw the first punch in this fight, but you can be damn sure I'm throwing the last.

The elevator jerked and started to lower down, taking Baxter and Natalie to the bottom floor. I quickly grabbed the handle of the side ladder and jumped off just as it picked up speed. I'm not leaving here without my girl. Fuck you, Charles Layton, you're not winning this time. I began climbing up the ladder to upper floor, when I noticed there was another floor above the one we were on. I'm betting it's a private level just for Layton and I bet that's where he's been keeping the girls. I move quickly to that level and slowly I work my way around the small iron ledge to get to the doors. Pulling my pocket knife out of my pocket I pry open the door enough to see a bit inside. Sure enough it's an apartment area.

I'm on the ledge trying to figure out how to get in when the elevator starts heading back up. It stops on Layton's office floor right below me. I look down and I can see her. Layton and his goons are pushing Charlie into the elevator. I stay still and quiet. If I can see them then they can see me too. My element of surprise is gone if that happens. The only way to save my girl is if they aren't expecting me.

"I'm really not surprised Charlotte. How many times have I told you, no one else wants you. You're lucky Steven and I tolerate you really. This is where you belong. I've told you that you're entire life haven't I Charlotte, I own you, and now you understand that, I'm your master." Layton tells her. My blood is boiling over ready to beat the hell out of him. I want her you fucking asshole! I want to yell it at him, but I can't. I know it will just make things worse for Charlie. I just have to get her out and take her home. The guy's a fucking psycho the way he talks to his daughter.

I can see Charlie and she says nothing back to her father. She just stares down at her feet, as if he's completely dominated her. I can see the tears but she doesn't make a sound. Steven grabs her face and forces her to look at him.

"You aren't allowed to cry Charlotte! That shows weakness! Are you weak? Or just weak for him? That cowboy." He snides. Steven pushes himself up against Charlie inside the elevator as it moves up to the apartment on the top floor. "I'll teach you what a real man is like!"

Shit! I'm stuck now, I get on top of the elevator and flatten myself out on my stomach. There's enough gears rolling up here it won't go completely up to the top but very close. I wait for them to get off and the elevator goes back down before I get back onto the ledge. Somehow I have to get in there without being seen.

Steven has carried Charlie off. By the time I got back to where I could see she was gone. I could chance it and jump down but I don't know what I'm going to find. I need to get a better look at what's inside. I try to see but Layton walks back into the room.

"Come on Steven,we don't have time for this. We have a meeting to attend to." Layton yells as he comes back to the elevator quickly, too quickly. What the hell did he do to Charlie? Where is she ? I can't see anything from here. The elevator comes right back up and they get on. Heading right back down the his office. No surprise there.

I work fast and start prying open the door. As soon as I've got it open wide enough I slip inside, but I stay cautious, I don't know who else might be in there with my girl. There's really nothing here. No furniture, the walls are white, carpet is white. Everything looks sterile. I turn around a corner and there's a kitchen but there doesn't seem to be any food. I open the refrigerator and it's empty except for water. I open the cabinets all the same way, empty. He starved her. Fucker!

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