Chapter 8

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I wake up to find my girl is curled up on my chest. Her head is resting on my shoulder with her hair splayed out over her pillow, her arms is laying over my torso with her hand right on my heart. My arm she's laying on is asleep, but I don't care. She looks so peaceful and perfect laying on me this way, all soft and warm. Getting out of bed to go work today really isn't what I want to do. I would like nothing better than to roll her over and sink into her. I want to spend the day making love to her and learning every inch of her body. I want to find out what makes her tick, what turns her on, how many g spots does she have and finding every one of them. I want to kiss every inch of her body and make her melt. I want to take her up that rise and get her up where I can drive her crazy and she screams my name with desire as she crests and falls over that edge over and over. I want to make her fall for me and want no one else. I want her to feel the same way I feel about her. I want to make sure she never wants another guy but me. I want to be the only one for her.

I kiss her softly on the forehead, nose then lips. Rolling her over gently, so I've got Charlie on her back and I'm over her. Kissing her slowly intimately touching her neck, down her shoulder, her arm, her rib cage as my thumb brushed gently the side of her breast. She softly sighs and wraps her arms around me pulling me gently over on top of her. I want this bad as I feel myself growing harder by the second. Settling down on her, Charlie's body cradling mine, I rock against her slowly as I deepen the kiss. Her lips part for me and she smiles.

I kiss down her neck and whisper against her ear, "Morning. You slept good." She had been out when I came in and only rolled over into my arms to snuggle in deeper, but never really woke up. The only thing she had on when I came in was one of my T-shirt. I can't say I mind. It was way too big for her and sexy. She can wear anything of mine she wants. That's new for me too. I've never let a girl wear my stuff, never wanted to, it showed a claim on me. I want Charlie in my things, that's my claim on her. She's mine, only mine.

"I guess I was tired. Sorry. I tried to stay up, but I'm not used to being up late unless...." she sighed not liking her reason for her late nights. "If I'm having the nightmares and then I'm not sleeping at all. I'm on coffee and sugar all night."

"It's okay. I'm glad you slept, sweetheart. You needed it. I'm gonna have to work out with the cattle today. I'm sorry, baby." I tuck some hair from her face. As soon as we can hire a few more guys, I can be up here more often with her working on more of the management stuff.

"It's okay, that's what you do. I've got plenty here to do. You don't have to babysit me." Charlie says and pulls away from me getting up out of the bed. She knows it's time to get to work and that's when I lose her. Not what I wanted at all. Damn, that wasn't how I wanted this morning to go. She rubbed her arms like she's cold and starts searching for clothes.

"How about dinner tonight?" I offer. I won a good pot last night. I want to treat her for cooking for us. That food was so good she had made for us and she didn't eat hardly anything. I'm still not happy with the little bit she eats. She needs to get more into her system.

She thought for a moment before responding. "Oh, I can make chicken and dumplings or.."

"No, no, baby. I'm taking you out. I won last night, we're having a nice dinner out tonight just us." I crawl off the bed and sit on the edge watching her.

"You mean like a date?" I nod and smile at the surprised innocent look on her face. Why do I feel like no one has ever taken her on a date before? "Just you and me really? You want to take me on a date, date?"

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