Chapter 7

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Enjoy 😊


We rode back on my mare together with Charlie's arms wrapped around me and Little Miss tied to my saddle. I wasn't willing to let Charlie out of my arms and I used the best excuse I could think of, Little Miss had just given birth she shouldn't be ridden just yet. It made Charlie feel a bit guilty for taking her out, but I told her she really didn't weigh enough to hurt the mare. Which is absolutely true. And having her arms wrapped around me, and her little body rub against me as we rode back to the stables was worth it. Something was happening between us and I wanted it, for the first time in my life, I wanted a girl that was going to stay. Not just any girl. This girl. I could start to see a future, a tomorrow with her. I wanted to make plans with her, to plan dates days, weeks, even months from now. I could see us this winter curled up together in front of the fire, reading or watching a movie together. I can see her hosting Christmas dinner at our home for the crew. I can see a future I want to happen. And for the first time it doesn't scare me, it doesn't bother me. What scares me is the thought of her leaving and that future not happening. That's something I'm not going to let happen, I'm not losing my future with her.

We get to the stables and dismount as Jose comes over with Marco and helps Charlie down. "Baxter called, he's up for the game tonight. You still in?" Jose asks as I get the saddle and blanket off the horses and put them into the paddock to cool them down.

Shit, I forgot it was poker night!

"Uh...." I look over at Charlie, I wasn't living at home anymore, the game is always at my place. My place is now hers. "Charlie, tonight is the poker game night for the guys. Do you mind?"

"Of course not, go have fun." She grins at me like this is no big deal.

"Sweetheart, I always host it at my place, which is our place now." I explain.

"Oh! Do you want me to leave for the night?" She asks and I immediately start shaking my head. That's not what I meant at all.

"No, no. Not at all. I just want to make sure you're okay with it. The boys usually show up about seven and are there until midnight sometimes later." I tell her.

I watch Charlie's wheels turn in her head. I know she's thinking about something. " I could cook dinner or snacks for you guys if you want me to?"

"Yes!" Marco jumps in without being asked.

"Absolutely!" Jose says with a grin.

"We would love that, sweetheart!" Pops walks in on the conversation and I shake my head. It's like they were just waiting for her to make the offer so they didn't have to ask.

"I think that's pretty much a yes, if you don't mind, baby." I smile and kiss her. She smiles bigger and it's so beautiful to see. I'm glad she's doing it more and more now. I really hope I'm part of the reason for that smile too.

"Can you take me to the store? I'm thinking just some simple stuff. Bacon kielbasa bombs, deep fried Mac and cheese balls and cream cheese vegetables squares. Maybe some mini cinnamon apple tarts for dessert? Does that sound okay?" Her mind worked that fast putting a menu together for this.

"Do you have time to do all that?" I ask, it sounds like a lot of work for her to do in a few hours.

"Plenty. How many are coming?" She looks at Jose.

"Just eight of us." Jose tells her.

"Easy then. Let's go." Charlie head out back to the house. I shake my head at the boys and follow her. I can't wait to eat, it sounds awesome. I grab my truck keys from the counter and we're off. I swing by my place first and pack up a couple bags of things so I've got a chunk of my stuff at the house. I can move over a little at a time. I really don't have a lot. Mainly clothes a couple pieces of furniture but that's it. Once I'm done we move on. Driving comfortably in silence into town, her small hand in mine and a smile on my face. I don't think I've ever been this happy.

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