Chapter 12

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Charlie is still very quiet and hasn't said much since Baxter and Natalie left. She's in the kitchen cleaning up while I went out to check on the horses. I needed time to think too. Charlie gets that about me and gives me the space I need to think about things. In this case, Baxter and Natalie. As I walk slowly back to the house, I look around the grounds thinking about what Charlie said as the sun was setting in the distance. I leaned against my truck and frowned still wondering if Charlie was right. Natalie was different with Baxter. Her eyes, the way she looks at him, touches him. Small gestures, but Charlie was right, they're all there. More so than I have seen her with other guys. I'm her big brother how am I supposed to deal with this? Was she in love with my best friend? Was he in love with her? Am I supposed to just support this or do I say something? I really was at a loss of what to do. As kids Baxter and I made a pact, no girl would ever get between us, I never thought that girl would be my sister. Fuck! I want both of them happy, but I know how Baxter is with girls, he's as bad as I was before Charlie. I don't want my sister hurt.

I walk into the kitchen and see my girl finishing up the dishes. I go up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. Kissing her neck, I nuzzle into her and get a giggle out of her. Smiling, she manages to ease my stress. "Enough for tonight, sweetheart. Let's go relax." I tell her and take the dish towel from her hand and walk her out of the kitchen to the living room. We go over to the sofa and sit down. I pull her over close to me. Turning on the radio, we snuggle close and just relax in front of the fire. Staring into the flames, I feel Charlie's body heating me up. I want her more than I've ever wanted anyone in my life. She's it for me and I need her to understand that I'm not going anywhere without her. I need Charlie to know I listen to her and I paid attention. That her opinion matters to me.

"I listen to what said about Natalie and Baxter. I know I didn't act like it, but I did." I tell her softly.

"You don't approve and didn't want to hear it. I understand. She's your sister and you're protecting her, but she's also an adult. If you respect Baxter enough to be your friend, why not enough for her to date? I guess I don't get that." She makes a good point.

"He's a good guy. Baxter has just been through women faster than I have. I don't want Nat getting hurt." I tell her. I can only hope she gets that.

"You don't think he can change, but you can?" Damn, she makes a good point every time.

"I saw what you meant tonight. With Baxter and Natalie.... what am I supposed to do?" I ask her hoping she can tell me something. Has Baxter changed for Natalie the way I've changed for Charlie? She's the only one I can talk to, the only one I want to confide in. I don't know what to think about this. It's all new territory for me and my sister is is something I'm not sure she can handle.

"I don't think there's anything for you to do. It's between them." Charlie says softly. "I imagine if Baxter wants your approval he's going to ask for it. The same goes for Natalie. Until they do, you wait. I mean did you ask either of them about us?"

I sigh, it's not really what I wanted to hear. "You're pretty wise there, sweetheart. I better start listening to you, huh?" I smile and kiss the side of her head. My fingers start stroking through her hair and my mind starts wandering. I'm thinking about what she said earlier about us getting closer.

"I am the boss, ya know." She grins up at me and my heart melts for her. Damn, I love her smile.

"I've always wanted to have the boss in my bed." I mutter softly. Her eyes widen and I laugh as I scoop her up. "I think it's a good time for that something more, don't you?" Cradling her in my arms, I kiss her deeply as I carry her to our room.

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