Chapter 27

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"Get the fuck off my property, Layton! You aren't wanted here!" I hear Ryan yell and instantly jerk to look around the group of friends watching this wedding. My smile is gone as soon as I see the man that tortured me and I feel completely weak, both physically and mentally. He didn't just hurt me physically but beat me down emotionally. He's a monster.

There in the back is Charles Layton. I start to shake, the flowers in my hand drops to my feet. I feel my entire body tremble just seeing him again. The flashes of what he did to me and the recent nightmares of my fears are mixed seeing him walking towards us. He's not even walking really, he's stalking us like prey. His eyes burying into each of us, daring us to come for him.

"Nat!" I feel Baxter grab my arm and pull me to his side. "It's okay, sweetheart. He's not going to touch you." He whispers against my ear but it doesn't help me.

What is wrong with me? I can't stop shaking and I feel so out of control with my emotions and cold. I'm so unbelievably cold. This was supposed to be a perfect day for my brother and Charlie. Baxter tightens his arms around me but I barely notice, all I see is Charles Layton. I hear his threats and demands for Charlie but Ryan has his body protectively around her. Ryan isn't going to let Layton get his way. I know they're talking but it all seems muted, muffled by my fear.

I see the ranch hands move towards Layton. Ryan chests up ready to fight as he moves Charlie behind him. "Bring it on asshole. You're not taking her anywhere. Get him the fuck out of here!"

We watch as four of the guys grab Layton and push him away from us. Layton punches two of them quickly and fights back as some the others join in to help. It's four, six then eight on one and Layton is holding his own. Who does this? Who can take on that many big guys and still be standing. The man is a monster!

"That's enough!" Pops yells getting up and facing down Layton. "I've known you your whole life Charles, why would you do this? Charlie's your daughter, this is her wedding. What happened to you to hate us this much? She's done nothing to you. It's time you leave her and her family be!"

"Really? This coming from my ex best friend! I remember when this was all mine. Do you remember that old friend? Do you remember when my father decided he preferred you to me and had enough of me and kicked me out to fend for myself? Do you remember how he chose you over me every time?! I made something of myself but did he care?  No! He only cared about her!" Layton snarled pointing to Charlie. "I don't care what you think! I don't care that it's her wedding! She's my daughter, mine!! She belongs to me! I own her, this ranch and that bastard child she's carrying with the tainted blood of your family!" Layton yells back. "You are not family and I'll see you in hell before you get this ranch or my daughter."

"Wow, someone really has issues." Baxter says under his breath. This isn't good. "Whatever, Dude! Today isn't the day for this, tomorrow doesn't look good either. I think you need to let this one go and get a life, man. If you have such a great life, go fucking live it! This isn't yours anymore."

Baxter moves forward away from me, chest puffed up and ready as he moves towards Layton. He left me standing here alone. He's not going to take care of me, protect me? I notice how he and Ryan are both determined to protect Charlie. I don't understand, why would he just walk away from me and leave me open for Layton to take aim at me? I feel an arm reach for me then. Charlie pulls me to her and becomes my rock, holding me up as I shake down to my toes.

Ryan looks at the two of us and sees more than I want him to. He turns around, his back to both of us and bellows angrily at Layton. "What did you do to them?"

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