Chapter 10

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We slept in front of the fire all night. Curled up together, her small soft body on top of mine. Her breathing was quiet, soft against my chest. She had finally relaxed and had no nightmares last night. It was late before we finally got to sleep and I took her several times more before I let her rest. Her little body amazes me, to watch how I can make her feel with each stroke of my hand, the way she arches into me, wanting more as I take her higher. The way her face flushes and mouth opens as she pants for air, her cheeks turn a soft pink and her chest gets pink as well the closer she gets to falling. To watch her fall, collapse and shatter at my hand filled my heart. I've never felt as powerful and as wanted as I do with Charlie. She's ruined me for any other woman. I will never want another after watching her. I cannot wait to be deep inside her and take her over myself. I'm going to make her mine and have Charlie feel the same for me as I feel for her.

I feel her taking a deep long breath and shift off me. Not what I want. I like the feeling of her asleep on top of me. That warm little body, soft and pliant resting on me. She trusts me enough to sleep, that says a lot for Charlie. I know she doesn't trust easily so the fact that she seems to trust me makes me want to work that much harder to make her happy. She's been through so much, more than anybody should. I know she hasn't even shared half of what she's gone through at the hands of her father and I'm determined to keep her far away from him. I won't let him touch her again. I'm not sure what I did to earn her trust, but I'm going to do everything to keep it. I won't let anyone ruin her faith in me, especially Sarah. She really pushed last night, but my girl pushed back. I was so proud of her. I wasn't expecting her to dump a beer in Sarah's face, but she did and Sarah deserved it. Charlie stood up for herself, that was huge. It was a big step, one I will stand behind. I want her stronger, I saw bits of that when she first got here and I know Charlie has it in her, she just needs to believe in herself the way I believe in her. Her self esteem has taken too many blows and I think she's afraid, just like she's afraid to fail. I'm not going to let her fail though. I've built up a nest egg, so has Baxter and Natalie all three of us want in on her project with the ranch. I think if we all pitch in and become partners it will take some of the load off her shoulders. Each of us can carry our own part. I don't want her overloaded. I've already seen Charlie feeling stressed once, I don't want her feeling that again. She's not alone.

"What are you thinking about?" Charlie asks softly as she runs her fingers across my face. "You're frowning. What's wrong?"

"Just thinking about some things I need to do. It's nothing for you to worry about, baby. You and I are good." I wrap myself around her and start kissing down her neck, I'm ready to start where we left off last night. I want to watch her fall again.

"You sure you're not mad about what I did last night? Or what I didn't do? I wanted to take care of you." Charlie says as she nudges my head back so she can see me. "I really feel like I let you down."

"Trust me, I was happy the way it turned out. I wasn't let down at all, baby. Just the opposite. I loved what happened between us. I want more, a lot more." I grin and kiss her lips softly. I'm addicted to her kisses.

"I was okay then?" Charlie is so unsure of herself and her own abilities, it pisses me off that they took that from her.

"You're more than okay, you're perfect, sweetheart. I can't get enough of you. As much as I want to stay right here and roll you over to continue with last night, Natalie and Baxter are coming this morning and I really don't want him seeing you like this." I pull myself up to lean against the couch and bring Charlie over on top of my lap and grind myself against her just so she knows what she's doing to me. "The only one who gets to see you that way is me. I know it sounds possessive, but you're mine. I don't want to share you."

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