Chapter 26

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My day is here. The one that every girl dreams of her entire childhood. As I sit here letting Natalie work on me I wonder if something will go wrong today. It never seems to go as planned for us lately. We haven't heard anything from my father or Steven. I'm afraid they're going to show up any minute to take me back to New York. My father doesn't lose, he's biding his time until he's ready for me. This isn't helping my anxiety or nightmares. I've been hiding them both from Ryan. Thanks to his insistence, I've been taking my medication as soon as the doctor cleared it wouldn't hurt the baby. Ryan wanted me stress free, I wish I could say it was working.

My morning sickness hasn't subsided, yet I'm starving all the time now. The miracle of having a baby can certainly be weird on a person's body and mind. I'm happy and laugh just as easily as I cry for no real reason. I think I'm possessed some days between puking like the exorcist and raiding the kitchen to gorge on everything I can find, it's a bit alarming. Ryan finds it humorous and just buys more and more food for me to puke up. I'm not enjoying this part. Although the fact that my belly is slowly swelling is making up for it. I've been reading about pregnancy and the different stages. I'm almost through the first trimester and it says the morning sickness should subside soon. I hope so.

The nicest part of this pregnancy has been Ryan. He helps me every morning dealing with being sick. Holding back my hair, giving me crackers and water, soothing me when I cry afterwards which is daily. He has been my rock. He won't leave me alone anymore and I understand he's worried too. Natalie or Pops is with me to babysit me if Ryan has to go somewhere. The only time it bothers me is when I want to sleep. I don't want anyone to know just how bad my nightmares have gotten. I know both of my sitters report to Ryan on my day.

"I'm hungry. Can I at least eat some carrots and peanut butter?" I ask Natalie as she curls up my hair.

"No and gross. Really peanut butter and carrots?" Natalie made a strange face at me telling me she's repulsed by my craving.

"It's actually really good and good for the baby." I inform her as I stand by my food choices. I've been eating some interesting combinations of food that Ryan has either tasted and liked or left the room while I ate. I just tell him it's his genes in my body doing it. He doesn't always agree.

"I'll take your word for it. Carrots fine." Natalie says going to the refrigerator and getting my snack out. "I can't believe my brother is getting married today. How did you get him to do this? I've been waiting forever for Baxter to commit to me and the most I get is that he's not dating anyone else and I should be happy with what we have."

"I haven't done anything to him." I nibble on my carrots as she works with my unruly hair. "Have you thought about just telling Baxter what you want? He loves you, I can see that, everyone can."

"But I want more than just the words. I want him to show me too. Action speaks louder than words ya know." Natalie says before taking a carrot from my bowl. "Kinda like how Ryan climbed up the elevator shaft for you, that's what I want. A knight to climb the tower and save me from the evil dragon. The problem is he doesn't really know what the evil dragon is."

"And how is our gorgeous bride this morning!" Baxter walks in the house without a care in the world, interrupting our conversation. I want to know what her evil dragon is. She's off as bad as I have since we've gotten back and that concerns me.

"Speak of the devil." I mutter earning me a slap on my arm. I only laugh under my breath at Natalie as she fingers out the curls in my hair.

Baxter walks into the kitchen and eyes Natalie head to toe. I watch him take in every inch of her. He appreciates her beauty and smiles softly. I can see the love he feels for her in his eyes, it's unfortunate he won't show her the way she needs to be shown. There's something wrong about this. He should be able to show her, tell her as long as they have been together. Why then does Natalie not know how he feels?

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