Chapter 29

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I can't take any more from my father. He's abused me for years and no one ever tried to go against him, no one ever told him it was wrong. That he was wrong to hurt me. I suffered from the pain he inflicted on me, believing for years that I deserved it. He made me feel like I wasn't worthy of him. That I should feel lucky to have him pay me any mind. That his torture was a gift. No more. I'm tired of living in fear. I won't let my child live this way or Natalie. He's hurt her too and it's time he paid.

I knock on the hotel room door, aiming the shotgun and preparing for the kick it will give me. I've shot a gun before. It's been a long time but I remember what to do. I spread my stance, knowing the gun will throw me back into the wall if I'm not careful. I just wait him out. I'm not talking to him, I'm not asking questions or letting him near me. I'm just taking him out of the equation all together. There's nothing to think about, there's no reason I should think that this is wrong after everything he's done to me. This is justice.

When I hear the lock click and see the knob, turn I know this is it. I get one chance to do this before he comes after me and kills me this time. One chance for freedom. I cock the gun just as the door opens. I see him smile then look down at the gun. He doesn't think I'll do it. He doesn't get a word out before I pull the trigger and the gun goes off.

I fly back against the wall, hitting my head on the doorknob as the shotgun hits me in the face. I'm bleeding but I don't care. I just want to know if I did it. Did I finally get my freedom? Looking through the blood that's dripping into my eye I see him fall back to the ground. I hit him right in the chest. I can see the blood pouring out from his chest. Good, this is finally over. My head falls back and everything goes dark.

"Charlie! Charlie, fuck! Wake up sweetheart, please!" I hear Ryan over me talking to me and others around us murmuring. My head is pounding and the side of my face is sticky. There's a metallic smell and I taste blood. I open my eyes and see him leaning over me. "Slowly sweetheart. Thank God you're okay. What happened?"

I shake my head as he helps me sit up. Ryan places a cold cloth on my head and washes the blood off. I look around and try to focus but I can't, my head hurts too much. Ryan just pulls me into his chest and rocks me.

"Don't you say a word to anyone about what happened until I can get a hold of Baxter." Ryan whispers in my ear. "She needs to go to the hospital sheriff! Charlie's hurt and pregnant."

"Oh good lord! What was she doing here Ryan? How did she get hurt too?" The sheriff asks then proceeds to call for an ambulance. "I've got one injured and one dead. Father and daughter. The girls pregnant we need to get her looked at ASAP. She seems to be in shock."

I'm not in shock. I know what I did. I killed my father. I grasp onto Ryan's arm and try to get up. Ryan holds me down and shakes his head. I can see the fear in his eyes. He knows I did this. He wants to protect me but I don't need protection. When I needed it, no one was there for me.

"What did you do!?" The voice bellowed down the hall towards us. I could hear the familiar strides of his heavy footsteps coming closer. It figures he's here to. They're always together. "You little bitch! I should kill you for this!"

"Are you threatening her?" Ryan stands in front of me blocking Steven from coming closer. "You're the one who's beaten her up how many times? You probably did this, not Charlie. She doesn't have a violent bone in her body! Sheriff, this man works for Charlie's father back in New York. He's been beating up Charlie for years. I'm betting you're the one who hurt Natalie too."

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