Chapter 11

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Charles stared out at the city below and seethed. This wasn't going as planned. Charlotte has been under his control for years, but now she's determined to stay on that blasted ranch and ruin the plans he has made. He wasn't going to allow her to destroy all that he had worked so hard for these many years to take the inheritance, stocks and control the company. Charlotte wasn't going to stop him now. She is a simple child, a girl with no mind for business. He wanted a boy to follow in his footsteps the closest he had is Steven. This error will be corrected.

"Steven we cannot allow those beasts to keep our Charlotte away from us. She belongs here." Charles orders through the phone. "Give them a warning of what is in store for Charlotte if she doesn't cooperate and come home on her own. Burn it down. All of it... to the ground."

"Yes, sir. And casualties?" Steven asks wondering if he should get them out first.

"I don't care who dies as long as Charlotte gets home. You bring her home and you marry my daughter." Charles tells Steven. "It's the only way we're going to be able to keep control of her assets."

This wasn't exactly the best news to Steven he didn't want to marry her. "But sir, Charlotte and I, we don't...."

"Steven, you want to inherit the company, yes? To do this you have to marry her. Then you get her shares. Drug her, beat her, kill her. I don't care. Once you control the money and the stocks we control the company. Charlotte is out of our hair."


I can't believe them. I can't let them put in all their savings into an idea of mine that could possibly fail. That's so much pressure on me to succeed and I don't know if I can possibly do it. It would mean I will have everything on my shoulders. Including their life savings. What have I done? Running my hands in my hair I rest my forehead on the table and try to breathe. This is so much to take in. Between this and the threat from my father I feel so overwhelmed. What if my father tries to sabotage the business? Everyone would lose everything and I would not only lose them, but be punished by my father possibly killed. Maybe I should go back to New York then they can have a life and keep their money, but I would lose Ryan. I don't want that. I really don't want that. I know I'm starting to breathe harder and faster than I should, but I can't seem to stop. My hands are shaking and my mind is running with what if's. I know the panic attack is starting, but I can't stop it. Everything seems to be on repeat playing in my head between my father and the finances and whether I should go back to New York and losing Ryan for good. I'm losing my hold and my head starts spinning. Ryan has moved me to the couch and is sitting next to me.

"Charlie? You need to breathe, sweetheart." Ryan says softly and runs his hand up and down my back trying to calm me. His hands always feel so good on me. I really do love the way he touches me. He seems to know what to do to help me relax. "Slow and easy, baby. That's it. Just relax, it's all gonna be fine, sweetheart."

That's what I really like about him, Ryan talks so quietly to me and doesn't raise his voice. His hands are always so gently on me. He's always making sure I'm okay and I know he's here for me. I'm not scared with him. I know I'm safe. He's my safety zone. I don't want to lose that, him... I don't want to lose him. I really want to stay with him. First problem solved, I'm not going back to New York, not without Ryan.

"Charlie are you all right?" Natalie asks I can hear the concern in her voice. I just can't answer. I can barely breathe. Natalie and Baxter sit across from us.

"She's okay, just a little panicked. She's going to be fine, right Charlie?" Ryan asks me softly and kisses my forehead. I nod and lean into him. I can't do this without him. He's my strength. He asked me how I feel about him, he is becoming my world. I don't want to ever be without him.

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