Chapter 24

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It took a long time for Charlie's words to sink in. We sat in silence staring at the fire while I let her word repeat in my head. "I'm pregnant." Those two words are life changing for any man, I didn't expect to hear it from her, not yet. It's not like I don't want children, I do absolutely. Children with Charlie are a dream come true for me. I just wasn't expecting to have them right now. Charlie just went through hell with her father again, I have to worry that the baby is going to be okay, that she is considering everything.

I haven't talked since she said those magical words and I know she's getting worried about my reaction. She's probably worried I wouldn't want this, that's something Charlie never needs to worry about. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck and shoulder. I want her to know that I love her and this baby. I'm good with this, I really am. Surprised definitely, but I'm good with the idea.

"Are you mad?" Charlie asks softly, I can hear her hesitation in her voice. I hate that I put that concern there. She shouldn't be worried about this. She shouldn't question my reaction to this. She should know I'm happy about this. Her father has put so much doubt into her head about things that never should be there it really aggravates me knowing where it stems from. I don't blame Charlie at all, I know what she's gone through.

"I'm not mad sweetheart. We're having a baby, I can't be upset about this. I'm sorry if I didn't respond right away. I was surprised that's all. I didn't expect this." I kiss Charlie's cheek softly and smile.  "Of course, I'm happy about this. Is everything okay? You went to Doc, is the baby alright?"

Charlie nods, and I can see the concern in her eyes too. "He checked me out and said everything seems normal. I'm having a hard time with morning sickness and he gave me pointers to help with it."

"Sweetheart, after what happened with your father do you think everything is going okay with baby? Did he say anything about it?" I'm concerned Charlie didn't tell him now.

"I told him what happened, Natalie was with me, she can tell you. He said he would keep a closer eye on the baby's development but can't tell anything yet." Charlie touched my face and ran her fingers down my neck to my chest. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too. So much. I just wanted to give you space to recover, sweetheart. I was trying to help you, but I guess I didn't know what you needed." I explained. I brushed my fingers through her hair and wrapped it around my fingers.

"I should've said something too. I'm not used to having someone who wants to be here for me. Guess we're both learning how to do this." Charlie says snuggling up against me.

I've missed holding her this way. I'm not letting time go by again and not hold her every night when she sleeps or snuggle her when she wants to watch tv or sit by the fire. Charlie is mine, I'm making sure she knows this every day the rest of her life. And now our child's too. I'm going to be a father. Fuck! Am I ready for this? I'm still a kid at times myself according to most of the women I've dated. Except Charlie, she's never called me a child, at least not to my face.

"Are we ready for this? I don't know how to be a mother, Ryan." Charlie was scared. I could hear it in her voice. She's as scared as I am.

"We're going to do this together. I'm gonna be right by your side for all of it, I promise. I don't know if I'll have the answer either, but we're gonna do it together." I hope knowing she's not alone helps. I don't know how much help I am.

"I'm glad its yours. I know I can count on you." Charlie turns around and faces me, cupping my face. She looks completely serious and studies every bit of my face. "I love you."

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