Chapter 14

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The girls had a good head start on us. I know Natalie is with Charlie so she isn't on her own, but I don't want her upset at me either. There was nothing to worry about even though I know it looked bad and Sarah was way too drunk and shouldn't have kissed me. I know better than anybody else just how easy it is to go there when you're drunk. I'm not making that excuse to anyone though. It would be my head on a platter if I do. The only thing I want is to get to Charlie and explain that it was just me trying to be a friend and Sarah read it wrong. It's that simple, for me anyway. The only girl I want is Charlie.

Running into the house Baxter and I find Natalie in the kitchen fixing two cups of tea. She only looks up at us and shakes her head. Slowly I walk into the kitchen and grip the back of one of the chairs. She sighs and raising her eyebrows at me as if to tell me again how much trouble Sarah can be. I close my eyes and sit down at the table. Baxter pats me on the back and goes to the refrigerator. He takes hold of my sister and gives her a quick kiss on his way. Pulling out two beers he sets one down in front of me and takes a seat. Apparently he's aware of just how much trouble I've gotten myself into and how long of a night it's going to be. Natalie watches the two of us and finishes making the tea.

"It's gonna be awhile guys. Charlie was really upset. Sorry Ryan, but I think you've got couch detail tonight." Natalie tells me before she leaves the kitchen and heads to the bedroom with the tea in hand. I officially hate the couch. I don't want to sleep on the couch. I want to hold my girl. Hell, I want to make love to her the rest of the night.

"What are you gonna do?" Baxter asks as he peels the label from his bottle.

"Not sure. Explain, I guess and hope she understands. I didn't do anything wrong, Baxter. I was trying to help an old friend." I'm not going to apologize for something that I didn't do. If I was in the wrong that's one thing, but I wasn't. Sarah's in a bad place. I saw just how drunk she was, I was trying to help.

"It was Sarah, man. She took advantage of you just like she always does. You have blinders on when it comes to her, Ryan. You always have. I get you guys have always been close, but she plays you every time. You just don't want to see it." Baxter voices his opinion of Sarah once again.

I know neither he or Natalie have ever liked her and to be honest Sarah hasn't exactly given either of them a reason to like her. She's bold and brash, Sarah has an attitude and takes no shit from anyone. She's not been the nicest person to either of them because they're protective of me. Sarah tends to get into trouble and if she comes sniffing around me, I usually get dragged into her mess. I understand why, she had a hard time growing up, but still she hasn't changed. I thought she would grow out of her tendencies to get jealous and lash out, but she hasn't. If anything it's worse. I feel bad for her, that doesn't mean I'm going to let Sarah lash out at Charlie. It means I'm not gonna turn a blind eye when a friend is in trouble. I can't do that.

"She had it rough as a kid Baxter." I try one more time to explain Sarah and why I try not to judge her. "She doesn't deal with stuff well I get that but she's human, man. She's made mistakes we all have, that doesn't mean we don't need someone to help us through it."

"Dude, I know you've noticed, Sarah's been a big girl for many years now." Baxter starts, but gets interrupted by Natalie.

"Stop making excuses for her. She's a bitch that uses you, cause you're a nice guy. You are Ryan! You help little old ladies across the street. She sees the kind of person you are and abuses that about you. She knows you'll always be there for her, so she does everything she can to exploit your sweet kind nature." Natalie stands behind Baxter, her hands on his shoulders. "She takes advantage of you all the time. You have a girlfriend, you don't need her screwing that up or messing with Charlie!"

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