Chapter 13

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The nightmare is still haunting me. The thought of Steven touching me has made me physically ill several times now. I hid it as best I could but I know Ryan will figure it out, he's a smart guy. I couldn't even stomach the thought of the memory of the dream knowing what it felt like to have someone who truly cared about me touching me, holding me. The idea that I could put Ryan or his family at risk of being hurt by my father bothers me all the time. I'm trying not to let Ryan see it. I know he's already worried and I don't want to make it worse. For now, I bake to relieve the stress.

I have been baking like a mad woman for the last few days. I'm determined to win the pie contest at the Fall Festival. Ryan and Pops and the other boys on the ranch have been taste testing for me all the pies I've been making. They haven't been much help since they all like different pies and seem to think that all the pies are as good as the last one. It's not helping me. I've just finished my peach and blueberry pies and hope these are the last ones I made. I'm getting tired of baking. I love to cook, but I love the variety of cooking different things not the same thing over and over.

I have four pies finished to take to the festival today the peach and blueberry I just pulled out of the oven and a pecan and deep dish apple that I personally love. I'm hoping one will win. I can enter four pies max, so I'm doing them all. I have to pull out all the stops for this. Getting my name out, letting this town know I can cook and cater is the first step to getting this business off the ground. This is so important for us, all of us. So much is riding on my shoulders with this.

"Stop stressing, Charlie." I hear that sexy drawl from the doorway and look over my shoulder and see Ryan standing there watching me. He's in one of his tight T-shirts and old worn jeans with his hat in his hand. God he looks good, sexy. Never did I think I would have someone like him in my life. He is so good to me and I don't think I've ever been happier than I am now. Ryan is responsible for that. He's helped me face so many hurdles in the past weeks that have been in my way from living. I know I wouldn't have faced them without his help. I know I wouldn't be falling for him the way I am either. I have always protected myself by telling myself that I wasn't worth it, that love wasn't worth it. Ryan, however, is worth everything.

Ever since the other night, when we made love for the first time, it's seems like I can feel his hands on me every time he walks into the room. I keep thinking about that night and each time since. I keep remembering how it felt having him touch me, hold me, what he felt like inside me. I've never felt more connected to someone as I do to him. I don't ever want to know what my life would be like without Ryan. He's become so important to me. I don't know how I was planning on doing all this without him. I know now I couldn't. It's only worthwhile because he's in this by my side.

"I'm trying not to, but I want to win." I tell him. I can be very competitive in something like this. Cooking is a passion for me, just like he is. Ryan smiles at me then walks slowly over and kisses me softly, languidly. God, it's like nothing else exists but us when he does this. I swear I can could literally melt into the floor when he kisses this way. Ryan keeps me tight in his arms which is good, I have no balance at the moment and I look up into those beautiful blue eyes and get lost in him.

"You will relax, even if I have to pick you up and take you back into our bedroom and make love to you again until your weak." He says winking at me.

"Really? I think you might need to do that just to be sure I'm completely relaxed." I bite my lip grinning up at him. I've never been much of a flirt, but I'm getting better with it around Ryan. He likes to flirt with me and tease me. I'm trying to do it back. His eyebrows lift and he chuckles softly. I'm so willing to do anything he wants, just for him now. His lips trail a redhot blazing fire through me as Ryan kisses down to below my ear. He nibbles and kisses there as I feel my legs start to loosen.

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