Chapter 21

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I was wrong things were much worse than I thought they were. I've been moved and my phone was taken right after I set the gps. Which means Baxter will look for me in the wrong place. They don't have a way to find us, or me at least. I don't know what to do now. I'm still tied up, but I'm in a room in a house I think. It looks like a house, when they brought me in I could kind of see carpet and the edges of furniture. I don't know where Charlie is, I'm assuming they've got her somewhere around here, but since I've heard nothing since getting here, I have no idea. It's really starting to freak me out with all this silence, I don't like it.

No one speaks to me around here, which is freaking me out, or each other. Not hearing anything is pretty annoying. I'm used to sounds music, noises, but this complete utter silence is driving me crazy. I think that's the point. They want to break me. I remember Charlie telling me about her father breaking her doing something similar. I don't break that easy though. He's going to have to do better than this. I can just make my own noise. So I'm going to sit here and sing my heart out. What I know will drive them crazy is I cannot carry a tune. I'm the absolute worst singer I've ever heard. Even I turn the volume up to drown me out.

I started singing at the top of my lungs the first song that came to mind and the only one I could think of that would drive someone completely crazy. "M I C K E Y. M O U S E. Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse, forever let us hold our banner high. High! High! Come along and sing our song and join the jamboree."

"Shut up!" A loud angry man's voice boomed from somewhere. Jumping at the sound of his voice, I immediately stopped singing. I didn't know anyone else was there with me. Shit! He sounds big and mean too.

"I'm sorry, I thought I was alone. I can't stand the silence it was driving me crazy, so I thought I would sing and occupy myself since no one else was here...."

"I said shut up, little girl. You're no better at listening than the other one. I guess you need a lesson in manners too?" I couldn't see him, but for some reason I got the feeling he had a nasty smirk on his face. I had a sick feeling in my stomach just then. I remember what Charlie told me about her lessons. She didn't go into detail about them, but I knew it wasn't school she was talking about. Charlie had gotten taught a lesson from beating and God knows what else they did to her. I don't want to have that happen to me.

"No, I know my manners. I was taught manners by my parents, you don't need to go there. I'm sure my brother is on his way too, so there's really no reason to do any of this. Ryan will be here and you'll be sorry. My big brother doesn't like it when people pick on me." I try to fake being brave, but even I can hear my voice quivering. I don't cry often, but I knew I would if he laid a hand on me. All the things that Charlie went through I thought about and I don't want to know what I would do if it was me. She's stronger than I am. I don't think I wanna know my breaking point.

"Your brother may be looking for you love, but he won't be finding you or Charlotte. See Charles gets what he wants and at the moment, that's you. I would suggest you shut your sweet mouth until he tells you to open up, so he can fill it." The dumb twit of a man says to me. I tilt my head in confusion, what does he mean fill it?

"Fill it? What the hell do you think he plans on filling it with?" I ask pretty pissed off now. I don't like any of this. I'm really not liking where this conversation is going.

"Himself Love, you'll blow him or he'll blow you away. That's how it works." He grinned and chuckled lowly, I could tell he was enjoying this. He likes scaring me and right now, I was scared shitless. He was telling me Charlie's father wanted to do things I've only done with Baxter? Oh, I don't think so. I'm going to be fighting this with everything I have in me before I let this happen.

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