"There are a few things I want to be clear." Greyson sits her in his lap on the bed. "First thing, I didn't bring you here with the intention of having sex. If that happens, it'll be up to you. However, second thing, I brought you here to explore your body."

She lifts an eyebrow. "My-my...body?" So, we are on the same page here. With my virgin ass.

He sits her down and stands up. He removes his shirt and pants. Jai lifts the other eyebrow.

"I can't properly please you if I don't know what you like. How you like it, where and for how long. How much pressure you can take." Jai looks him over, hoping her mouth isn't hanging open like a goof. She's seen his chest, abs and tattoos before. But not in this light.

"And the only way I can know this is if you tell me. Show me. You always talking shit about my hands but..." he stops and opens and closes them. "My hands are 10 inches from thumb to pinky. And they have a purpose." He grabs her thigh with one and cups her vagina with the other. "Pleasure." (That's a true Odell fact, by the way. His hands are 10 inches.)

She gulps. "I have a long tongue, too." He sticks it out. "Pleasure." Her eyes darkened. "And well, I have what many would call a third leg, big dick."

"For pleasure. I got it, Grey. I got it." Her face is red.

"In due time." The innuendo hangs in the balance. "My body was solely created for your pleasure. My sexual experiences were for your benefit later."

"Is everybody in your family like that?"

"The men. Yes." The openness is interesting. "I know you like to be kissed. Caressed while being kissed. But I want to know more. With your permission."

"What about you?"

Greyson settles next to her, his green eyes flickering up at her with a small genuine smile. "I get off knowing I got you off. Multiple times, in different ways. For as long as you can stand me. However, with your permission." He rubs her belly gently. "Is this making sense or am I going too fast? Do we need to discuss it some more?"

Why are his words so...enticing?

"I think I got it."

"Oh one more thing." He remembers suddenly. "I need you to tell me how it feels. Moan, whimper, scream, however it comes to you don't be shy. That's the only way I know I'm pleasing you. Deal?"

"Deal." They shake on it. "Sooo what now?"

Greyson is seriously in his thoughts. "You need to relax." He breaks out these different oils. "I went to massage therapy school as a hobby." He wiggles his fingers playfully.

His face returns to seriousness. "Do you trust me? Trust me enough to pleasure you, putting your wants and needs first?" his green eyes are dark.

"I do." She sits awkwardly. This is fucked up, she thinks to herself. Why am I so afraid?

Before long, Greyson has her face buried in the pillow, trying to hold in a moan. In just her panties and bra. "You forgot my rule that fast, princess. I can't hear you."

"What-what am I supposed to-oh my...that feels good."

"How does it feel?" he caressed her flesh just above her breasts. His mouth just inches from her neck.

"G-good. I like it." she finds her words. He lays her over and spreads her legs. A wet stain in her panties but he chooses to ignore it. Greyson sticks to his words. He grips her thighs, kneading them with care. Her breath going up and down. "What is that feeling!"

"You're cumming...for me, princess." His hands are dangerously close to her center. Her panties are ruined. "Give me all you got."

Over and over again. Whimpers and moans, whispers of his name on her lips. "I can't take anymore, Grey. Please..."

"One more." A devilish grin spread across his face. Her legs shook on command.

Taking a chance, Greyson bends over to whisper. "May I taste you here?" he ghosts the area gently.

"Yes." Her breathless voice was a turn on. Her senses completely in tuned to him. Complete and utter devotion. His mouth latched on to her like a peach. Using his tongue to caress her. Communicating how much he loved her already.

Jai thrusts her hips away from him, only to be brought back to the edge of the bed. "Turn over."


"Turn over, Jai. I don't eat pussy from the front."

Her eyes widened. Who the fuck is this-movement interrupts her thoughts. Greyson takes matters in his own hands and turns her over and spreads her legs. "Oh fuck!" she buries her face in the pillows. "Don't stop!"

Nothing but her whines, incoherent words, begs for a break could be heard. Slurping. Greyson had completely forgotten the original mission. He was eating for his pleasure and didn't want to stop. Massaging her G-Spot with his pointer and middle finger. Jai was running from the contact.

"Run from me again and I'ma start all the way over. I don't play that runnin shit, Jai."

She stopped wiggling immediately and laid there, taking all he was willing to give...

The next morning, Jai couldn't believe her actions the night before. Greyson noticed her apprehension around him.

"No need to be ashamed, Jai. You had a good time?"

Her face was bright red again. "I did." she had no choice but to admit.

"So did I. Sweet girl." He kisses her cheek while grabbing her thigh. The panties are ruined again.

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