Rehearsal moments

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You're sitting in one of the chairs on the front row, watching Shawn as he's rehearsing his show.

Looking around you see allot of crew members working hard to get everything ready for the show tonight.

As you hear Shawn starting to play the piano you look up. He looks at you and smiles. You smile back.

He starts singing perfectly wrong while looking at you.

When he's almost done you feel a shiver go up your spine, as you're kind of cold. You rub your arms trying to give yourself some warmth.

"Are you cold?" Shawn asks you when he's done. You smile and shake your head, but he knows you're lying.

He stands up and takes his hoodie off, trowing it to you. "Won't you be cold?" you ask hem when you catch it. He shrugs,

"I don't care, I want you to be comfortable." You feel my cheeks turning pink as you're blushing and you smile at him.

"Thank you" you mumble while putting it on, breathing in Shawns familiar smell, feeling more comfortable right away.

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