They're Alive 15

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Cheryl's POV
"They claimed to be Mrs and Mrs Topaz. I didn't know what to do so I told them that my parents have a photography agency and if they want some pictures taken they can call one of the photographers Antoine Stone and I have them your number." Jughead finished talking. She looked up at him. "So they're alive?" "Maybe" "But why come back 5 years later." "Maybe they wanted to see you." "Oh I almost forgot they also gave me their number to keep in touch. Would you like to call it?" He asked hesitantly. "I don't know they disappeared for 5 years. What would I even say to them?" "More like what would they say to you, but we have to go, Cheryl's mom said everyone that knows come to her house." Jughead said.

We drove there 2 motorcycles and 2 cars. We finally made it to Thornhill and my mom was sitting in the living room. "Hey mom we're all here." "Good. Tommy is safe in the basement." My mother started as she looked at Toni. Then continued, "I told everyone's parents that you are staying at my house just to take all the stress off of them. Do not think just because all this is going on you aren't going to school. Cheryl, Toni, Betty, Archie, Josie, and Kevin, I know you all so I will discipline you guys." Then she looked over to the others. "I don't really know you four and I don't really know your family life, but I will not allow any disrespect or talking back. While we are on the topic of family, Toni you're parents called me today and they want to see you." We see two people come out of the kitchen. "Toni is that really you?" She stood there as they stepped closer and she stepped back. "What's wring honey?" Her parents asked while her eyes started watering. "What's wrong, you abandoned me and you come back now. For what?" "We saw on the news that your Uncle Timothy was murdered." "So the only reason you came back was because of Uncle Tim was murdered." "More or less we just needed an excuse to see you." Toni eyeballed then confused. "Excuse, you don't need an excuse to see your daughter since you left on your own accord." "Toni we were presumed dead." Her father stated. "Yeah because they never found you, all you had to do was grow some come home, that wasn't an invitation to start a new life." "We never meant to hurt you." Mrs Topaz said. "Well you did and there's nothing you could do to change that." "Toni we did because we weren't the greatest." Her father spoke. "Clearly" Toni said. "We saw an opportunity to change our ways and grow." Her mother said. "Do you think your leave of absence worked?" "Yeah, when I see Tommy's older photos I'm not disgusted or when Timothy told us you were bi we were fine." "Hold up you're telling me hat that he knew you were alive? I always wondered why he would say no wonder your parents left you." "Toni we are so sorry." Her parents said in unison. "Are you actually sorry or are you just saying that to help the situation because I honestly don't care for your apologies because it's not changing the way I feel about you." "Toni we-" her mother walked closer, but stopped talking as Toni stepped further away from her. "Please don't come any further." "You don't have to be afraid." Her father said. "I'm not afraid. You think because you're here changes the fact that you left and that we are ok we are not ok. I know you were that I'll run into your arms and hug you, but as I'm looking at you all I can feel is pure anger, and I don't think I will ever be able to look at you two the same." Can we keep in touch?" Her father asked. "You already have my number, but if you call it I won't answer." "Will you ever forgive us?" "I hope I can, but I don't think Tommy will, but I need time. I'll talk to you when I'm ready." "Can I give you something?" Her mother spoke quietly. Toni nodded.she walked closer and handed her a teddy bear. "It was the only thing left from the car wreck." She examined the bear as my mom escorted them out of the house. Toni grabbed a knife and cut open the bear. "Why did you do that to Teddy Bearington?" Fangs asked. "To see if it really is, but it's not because the actual bear had from: Tommy to: My Little Angel written on the tag, but it doesn't so I was thinking maybe it got washed off during the wreck, then I remembered that there was one of those voice chips, but" she said ruffling through the bear. "This one doesn't. So it's not mine." "What did the chip say?" Jughead asked. "I love you my little angel." Tommy came into the living room. "Where did you get that Toni?" He asked. "Mom and dad, they told me it was my childhood bear, but it doesn't have the chip." She poured and it made her look adorable. "Liars, I have the real one with my stuff in the basement." "You do, does the voice still work?" She asked smiling. "Better than ever." He smiled back at her and went to get the bear. "Do you think you have more siblings?" Josie asked. "They were only gone for 5 years how many children could they have had. I mean one probably, but more than one." "They could've had one each year or multiples." "Tommy's enough to handle I can't deal with little kids." Tommy came with a bear. "Here He is." "How did you get him?" Toni questioned him. "When they took me to military school he was in the car so I brought him with me." My mother came in. "Where did you go mom?" "I met Toni's younger siblings." "Siblings, plural, as in more than one?" "Yes they're sextuplets. 4 girls and 2 boys they're 5." "What are their names?" "Tina, Terri, Teresa, Tori, AJ, and Trenton. AJ is named after you his name is Antoine and his middle name is Johnathan." "Why did they name him after me?" "They felt bad they left you." "Oh" was all she said. "I'm sorry that they left you. If I had known I would've asked them to come back."

So I'm supposed to be at school today, but there was a school shooting threat for Arkansas(Thursday)and Kentucky(Wednesday). Yesterday some kid was arrested in Kentucky for having a gun and that was the day they said the shooting was going to happen for Kentucky, but for Arkansas it's today, so I didn't want to go. It might not happen because there are many schools in Arkansas, but I didn't want to risk it.

So on a happier note I'll post chapter 16 a little later. Thank you for the 480 something reads.

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