Believe It 35

716 25 4

Cheryl's POV
Toni fell asleep as soon as I got in bed. I tried to get out of bed without waking up Toni, but wasn't successful. "Where are you going?" She grabbed my hand her voice sounded raspy from just waking up. "I'm going to get something to drink, I'll be back in a few." I gave her a small peck and she let go.

When I went downstairs my mom said, "Did you do anything with her?" "Mom, don't I'm not even ready yet." "At least I don't have to worry about you getting pregnant." My eyes widened. "Stop talking" "What you're a girl and she's a girl and I don't know but how would you have sex, like what do you do?" I looked at her in shock that she was asking this. "I don't know mom, I'm a virgin." "But like what positions do you use?" My mouth dropped to my feet, like I don't know what positions, why is she even asking.

"Mom! I don't know what do you think?" After the words came out I immediately regretted it. I shook my head furiously. "Never mind don't answer that." "I'm happy you're a virgin, I'm just shocked that you still are." "What do you mean shocked? Like do I look like I would fuck anyone I see?" "No, not saying you'd be going around having sex with everyone it's just you're gorgeous and you're a horny teenager and I'm pretty sure there are some more horny kids around, so it's just surprising you haven't, even Jason did."

"How's it surprising? I've never done anything." "You haven't gotten drunk?" She asked sounding more disappointed. "Why do you sound so disappointed. Do you want me to drink." "I mean I'd rather you not, but do something bad for once, get into trouble, loosen up a bit you're so uptight." "You grounded me like two days ago and I'm not uptight." "Yes you are. You're just like your Alice." "Umm right here." Aunt Alice announces.

"Am I really uptight?" My mom nodded so I walked past her in the kitchen and poured vodka in a shot glass. I made eye contact with my mom and we had a full staring contest then I quickly downed the drink. When I looked back up her mouth was open, as was Aunt Alice's. "Yuck. What flavor was that, cause that was fucking disgusting." "Cheryl Marjorie Blossom what the actual hellI didn't mean for you to actually do it, in front of me at that. Also watch your mouth." "Well it was unclear I apologize." She shrugged it off. "It doesn't matter I can't really be mad at you I basically encouraged you to do it." She groaned. "Parenting sucks."

I got some water to wash down the vodka and started back upstairs. "Wait, one question." My mom stopped me. "Yeah." "How did you know where it was?" "Ummm." I racked my brain trying to think of a lie. "That is a very good question, it was obvious." "It was a bottle designed to look like something else. How was it obvious?" Her eyes got smaller from her squinting at me.

"I would love to finish this conversation, but Toni called my name, didn't you hear. Coming!" I somewhat shouted and ran up the stairs before she could speak.

I walked into the room and Toni had a cute grin plastered on her perfectly sculpted face. "Sorry I took so long. What's up with the goofy grin?" I sat next to her in bed where she was laying.

"Just you" she replied scooting down to lie her head on my lap. I payed with her hair as she snuggled closer. "I'm happy we're together." She looked up at me, her eyes were sparkling in that moment, I thought she looked beautiful.

"I'm happy too." I kissed her forehead. We watched some movies and she eventually fell back asleep.

I left the room to get something to eat and Aunt Alice, my mom, and Mrs Lodge were still in the kitchen, but they were talking with Tommy.

"Hey, where are the kids?" I asked. "They're with their babysitter I hired." My mom answered. I nodded.

"Hey Cheryl" Tommy waves at me. "Hi Tommy" I walked to the cabinet and took out spaghetti noodles, meat, and items to make a sandwich. "What are you doing?" Mom questioned. "Making food." "Yeah I can see that, but you don't like spaghetti." "The spaghetti is for Toni and the sandwich is for me." "Why spaghetti?" "Because her favorite food is spaghetti, although she would've eaten anything I made, she would prefer spaghetti."

I started making the sauce from scratch while the water was boiling. "Why are you making the sauce from scratch?" Mom asked confused. "Because Toni doesn't like store bought sauce." I replied. After I finished making the spaghetti I sat down in the living room. Toni walked down the steps a few minutes later rubbing her eyes.

"What are you doing up? Go back to sleep." I told her. "But I smell food, more specifically spaghetti so now I'm hungry." Her voice was adorable and child like.

"Did you make it?" She turned to me as she was putting some on a plate. "Yes." She took a bite, but it wasn't sloppy.

"You made the sauce from scratch." She said more as a statement than a question. I looked at her weirdly.

"You can taste the difference." My brows furrowed. "Yeah. Store bought taste like metal and homemade taste fresh."

"Toni's greedy she can name ingredients in foods." Tommy spoke causing Toni to glare at him. "Shut up Tommy before I break your face." She flicked him then turned to me.

"How did you know that I don't like store bought?" I didn't really want to say I was raves dropping on their conversations. "You and your friends are rather loud." She pouted. "We are not loud." She stood up to wash off her plate. She ate so elegantly so it surprised me that she finished so fast.

"It's called having fun, which you wouldn't know anything about." She smirked at me. "I'm hurt." I put the palm of my hand over my chest jokingly.

"I know how to have fun." She gave me the "really" look. "What did you used to do on Friday nights?" Her perfectly sculpted eyebrow went up. "I came home, ate, watched tv, and went to bed." My voice got lower. "Boring." She stated.

"What else was I gonna do?" I threw my hand up. "Go to the parties you were invited to." She suggested. "They only invited me to make fun of me." "Oh my gosh, why are you so self deprecating. They invited you because you're funny and an amazing person to be around."

I rolled my eyes at how dramatic she was being, I am not as amazing as she says I am. "You have to say that, you're my girlfriend."
She sighed and walked closer.

"Princess, you can receive all the compliments in the world, but that won't do anything unless you believe it yourself. I'm not saying it because I have to, I'm saying it because it's true.

I didn't know what to say to her but there were a certain three words that almost spilled from my mouth.

I'm really sorry I haven't uploaded. I was with my mother in Jacksonville for break and when we were going back we left our things at our grandmothers house, but we got our things today.

Also thank you guys for 10k reads, honestly didn't think this would happen and I'm so grateful. Love you all and have an amazing night/day.

Opposites Attract~ ChoniNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ