Invitation 4

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Cheryl's POV
Betty, Josie, and I just followed my mom. She tapped on Toni's shoulder. Toni turned around smiling and when she saw my mom it widened. "Hi, Mrs. Blossom I haven't seen you since I was 6." Toni says slightly glancing over at me. "How's your brother?" My mother asked smiling. "He's great, he actually came back to Riverdale." My mother looked at her confused and tilted her head to the side, "When did he leave?" "He left the day..." she paused, but continued, "The day my parents died, they were coming back from bringing him to military school hoping it would change the fact that he's gay." Toni face dropped as she talked about her dead parents. "I'm incredibly sorry for your loss, but wasn't that 5 years ago?" My mother asked. Toni nodded. "So you've been without your brother for 5 years?" She nodded again. "Oh you poor thing that must have been torture, you two were so close as kids." My mother stated then continued. "Why don't you come over, it'll be nice to catch up." "You sure I wouldn't want to intrude?" Toni asked unsure. "Toni, dear it was an invitation you're not intruding."

We made it to my house, even though Betty and Josie weren't huge fans of Toni they were basically fawning over her when they found out they had the Sam interest. We had made it up to my room we were all laughing hysterically. Toni was actually pretty funny. My mom came up with a binder and asked Toni to come over. "Do you remember when I babysat you, you would always draw me at least 10 different pictures?" Yes. Why do you still have them?" "Of course I still have them." My mother answered like it was the most obvious thing. "No. Are you serious those drawings were terrible." Says Toni smiling. Betty and Josie looked intrigued as did I. There was one drawing where they were at a family dinner and my mother was there. Toni smiled at the drawing. "I remember that day. My dad has gotten so angry with me and I thought he didn't love me, but you told me that there's nothing that could make him stop loving me." Her smile faded and she continued, "Now I'm not so sure." "What do you mean?" My mother asked looking at Toni attentively. "They sent my brother away because he's gay, they told him he was a disappointment. Imagine if they were still alive. What would they say about me, there only daughter who they wished to get married to a man one day." "Are you saying you're gay?" My mother bluntly asked her. She smiled. "No, not gay, but bi as in I like both genders, but I prefer girls over boys." Toni explained to my mom. "Oh. When did you know?" "When I was younger, but when my brother, Tommy came out I decided not to say anything considering how they reacted, and me telling them to burn in hell really wouldn't have helped the situation." Toni stated. "No matter how traditional and out-dated they were they still would've loved you, they just wouldn't have loved the people you chose to love." "I wish that was the case, when Tommy came out they told him that they hated him, my mother would've asked herself where she went wrong in raising her children and my dad would've sent me to the SOQM." Toni stayed very bluntly. "Maybe that was just in the heat of the moment, but I'm not saying it was ok to say what they said." "I always thought they hated Tommy and I." "Why?" My mother asked curious of Toni's answer. "They never payed attention to us, granted they were busy with their rich and snooty friends, they didn't have to neglect us." But you and your brother always seemed so happy." "That was because they bought us some toy we wanted at the time, but that only lasts for so long, kids need affection not some toy they're going to lose interest in overtime. Also Tommy and I always liked it when you came over. You payed attention to us that's why we always seemed so happy even though Tommy totally hated our parents. I could never bring myself to hate them. I was young." "Why did Tommy hate them?" "Because he got so frustrated with the fact that they only ever payed attention to us when they were angry about something. He basically had to raise me." "Speaking of Tommy is he staying in Riverdale?" My mom asked. "Yes" she answered peeking up a little. "Who were you staying with while he was away." Betty asked, Toni and my mother looked up probably forgetting we were all in there. "My uncle, but he makes me feel uncomfortable, which is why I only slept the weeks he wasn't there." She answered nervously. "What about any other family?" Josie asked. "My family is painfully homophobic, so hey basically disowned me with my brother even though they don't know about my sexuality." "Sorry for all the questions, I hope we didn't annoy you." My mother said. "No it's fine, it feels good to talk about everything for once." Toni said sighing rubbing her hands up and down the pants she was wearing. "Well goodnight girls it's getting late." My mother said getting up and walking out the door. We all went to bed, but I kept thinking about Toni, she's probably in so much pain but nobody knows.

Opposites Attract~ ChoniOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora