Terrifying 26

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Toni's POV
After I was done singing Cheryl grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed her back and it was slow and passionate. She pulled back and smiled. "What was that for?" I asked. "Because there was no other way to respond to that." "You two are so cute." Kevin startled me because I forgot they were there. Jughead scoffed. "Oh please everyone knows that Toni is just using Cheryl." He said harshly. "Could you shut up, no one asked for your 2 cents." Cheryl shot back. "Red I actually started to like you. You claim that Reggie was the one that made your brother kill himself, but in reality it was you because you're so unbearable." He gritted through his teeth. Cheryl glared at him and I've never seen her so angry the look in her eyes was terrifying. She walked closer to him slowly and he looked visibly terrified.

"I don't understand. I let you stay here I could've easily told my mom no, but I was nice enough to let you stay no matter how much I despise looking at you everyday. You brought up my dead brother which is not ok. You have no idea what it's like to home and see a family member lying on the floor lifeless and covered in blood, but you somehow think it's ok to bring it up." She stepped closer backing him into the front door. She leaned in and whispered something in his ear and you could see him swallow. She stepped back to see the terrified look on his face she smiled then it quickly faded. "Get the hell out of my house." "Where am I going to go my dad's an alcoholic." "That's tough, you should have thought of that before you spoke." "You're sick you know that." "Rich coming from you." "What is wrong with you?" He asked her. "Do you have any siblings?" She ignored his question. He nodded hesitantly. "I have a 14 year old sister." "Ok. Now leave." He looked at her dumbfounded. "What are you going to do to my sister?" "Nothing I don't hurt kids. The question is what am I going to do to you?" "You're not going to hurt me you're too nice." She smiled menacingly. "I could make your life a living hell. You underestimate me and that's my advantage. No matter how dumb you may act I thought you were smarter." She went to her brothers room and came back with some journal and handed it to Jughead. "What's this?" "Jason's. He wrote down his thoughts. Read it and you'll see how badly Reggie treated my brother." "I don't fucking care about your stupid ass brother." He threw the journal across the room. Her eyes darted to where it landed and back at Jughead.

"You know what. My mom told me to be nice to people and watch what I say, but frankly I'm tired of being nice." She pushed him into the door. "Get out now before I kill." "You wouldn't." He challenged. "My dad killed his brother. Try me." He quickly opened the door and ran off forgetting his motorcycle. She turned away from the door and picked up the journal and put back in Jason's room. It was dead silent until Betty spoke. "Dude is fucking stupid. I said not to make her angry she gets really scary. He pushed her too much, she would've totally killed him if we weren't here." "What do you mean?" Kevin asked " I already told you this Kevin, but one time in like 6th grade I had spent the night we were in her room and I was making fun of her and she didn't really like that, so she stared at me and her eyes went dark. She was quiet and didn't say anything for a while until she said goodnight, but it was very oddly chipper to the point where it was scary. I got in bed next to her and went to sleep. I woke up about 10 minutes later and she wasn't in the bed. I assumed she went to use the bathroom, but I heard this weird scratching noise coming from outside the room door. I got up to check it and no one was there I turned to go back to bed, but I heard movement behind me and when I turned around Cheryl was standing there in the dark at the door way with her hair covering her face and a white nightgown. I didn't spend the night at her house for like a month because she scared the living crap out of me." "Are you serious or did you make that up?" Fangs asked. "Dead serious. Everyone knows we're cousins, but they always think I'm the one in charge, but it's Cheryl and you should never and I mean never cross her. She's secretly a huge bitch and if it wasn't for her mom telling her to be nice and not letting her wear to revealing clothing then she probably would've been just like Toni, but a lot scarier." "Betty I can hear you. Stop telling people that, I'm not scary or a bitch." Cheryl walked out of the room. "You are the reason we don't have many friends because every time we meet other people our age you tell them that story." "It's your fault, you're the bitch." "I am not and stop saying that. We don't want a repeat of 6th grade do we Betty." "So you actually did that?" Josie looked at Cheryl and she nodded.

Mrs Blossom came back with my siblings. "Why did I see Jughead running out of the house so fast?" "No reason." Cheryl said quickly. Mrs Blossom gave her the mom look. "What did you do?" "Why did you assume I did something." "Because a little mean when it comes to certain things and if they push you too far you get mad and you act all creepy and you get really scary." "Well I didn't do anything." "Cheryl I told you to be nice and watch what you say to people and control your anger." "I always control my anger which why half the world isn't on fire right now. It's his fault he's the one that brought up Jason." "Did you kick him out?" "Yes" "Why?" "Because he was being an asshole." "Language and his father isn't stable." "Well neither am I, but he stayed here." "Cheryl be nice." "I'm tired of being nice and I'm tired of letting everyone walk all over me. He was being a dick and I wasn't going to let him stay if he was going to keep acting the way he was." "Sweetheart why are you so angry the last time you got this mad was the day after your dad left." Cheryl looked down at her feet. "He stopped by today." Mrs Blossoms face went pale. "What did he want?" "He came to tell me it was my fault he left." "You don't believe him do you?" "No but it still made me upset." "It's ok. I'm going to go take the kids a bath.

"Ok am I the only one that's wondering what she said to Jughead that made him so scared." Josie asked. "Yeah. What did you say?" I asked. "I told him that I would've killed him right then and there if there wasn't so many people and next time Jason's name comes from his mouth I'll light him on fire before he finishes his sentence." "See I told you she's terrifying." "Toni you're girlfriend is scary." Fangs said. "I don't actually mean it, I just do it to scare people so they won't mess with me anymore and as you can tell it works take Betty for example." Cheryl defended herself. We all went upstairs to go to sleep.

I woke up  and brushed my teeth with the tooth brush Mrs Blossom got me. No one else was awake so I started breakfast. I put my earbuds and played Be My Escape by Relient K . I was dancing and playing air drums when I heard someone laughing behind me. I turned around to see Cheryl's beautiful smile. "Hi gorgeous." I said and she blushed and walked closer putting her arms around my neck. She leaned in when her lips connected with mine I could taste her cherry chapstick. Her cherry blossom scent reached my nose. I slid my hands under her shirt reaching her bra, but not undoing it, she shivered but soon melted into it. Her tongue farted in my mouth soliciting a quiet moan from me. She pulled away and smirked. "Good morning." She spoke in her cute moth g voice. "Good morning." I said back. "You were sexy last night." I added. "You're not so bad yourself." "Ouch" "I'm not going to feed your ego." She leaned in but didn't connect her mouth agape and her tongue flickered over my lips. I could feel her mint breath on my face. I leaned forward and she backed away. "Can't let the food burn." "You're a tease."

We finished cooking breakfast. She hopped in the counter top. "Are we going to tell my mom?" She asked. I looked up at her. "I mean we don't have to right now I just wante-" I kissed her so she could stop talking. When I pulled back I intertwined our fingers and brought her hand to my lips and kissed it. "As you wish." She smiled and gave me a soft peck on my lips.

Sorry I haven't been posting my brother didn't pay his internet bill so I didn't have any internet to upload. I'll post another 4 chapters later.

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