I Thought This Was Over 6

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Cheryl's POV
"So much for not being ice cold bitch." Betty said. We were walking to class so we went our separate ways, except Archie and I, we both had PE. "So Cheryl" Archie started as I looked up. "Is everything ok?" He asked worriedly. "What do you mean?" I tilted my head. "Toni, I know she was nice and everything, but she was being a little rude earlier, so I just wanted to know if you two were good enough for her not to be such a bitch." "Yeah" I answered wondering if what I said was true or not because I honestly didn't know. She was nice one minute, but being rude the next. We were sitting on the bleachers when Coach Jefferson told us to dress out. I walked into the locker room then Veronica started laughing right along with Midge and Toni. Ugh I thought this was over. When Veronica and Midge left Toni was still getting dressed. She walked past me to look in the mirror. I was trying to hold it in, but I couldn't, "Are you seriously not going to talk about the fact that you kissed me." She looked at me and smiled. "Cherry you remembered, why didn't you say anything when I was at your house?" She asked mockingly. I didn't think it was the right place to talk about it." I lied. "But the school locker room is." She lifted one eyebrow. I didn't know what to say because she was right. "Maybe you didn't want to say anything because your cousin and friend don't know you're gay." She walked closer. I was shocked at how accurate she was. She was about to walk out when I grabbed her arm turning her back towards me. She looked down at my hand on her arm and looked back up at me. "Why do you act like this? Your nice one minute and act callously the next." I stated surprised by my own actions. Her face softened. "Look Cheryl, handling emotions is not my strong suit, considering the parents I grew up with, but that's not excuse for the way I've been treating you, and I want you to know I'm extremely sorry. I know sorry only goes a long way, and I'm not asking you to forget what I've done or forgive me for that matter because to be completely honest I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I just want to to know I'm sorry." As soon as I let go of her Veronica came in. "Come on Toni Coach Jefferson told me to come and get you." Veronica said glaring at me. She grabbed Toni's hand as they were walking out Toni turned and looked at me, she looked heartbroken.

In 6th period, which is a yearbook/photography class, Miss Shelley said, "Ok class listen up, one of my students from my 3rd period has changed classes and is now in this class, you all know her so there isn't any need to have a full introduction, so Toni come in." When she finished Betty, and Archie were in shock, as was I because I didn't know Toni was into photography. "Sit next to Cheryl please." Miss Shelley pointed at me, she walked over slowly and sat down. There were multiple aspects of the yearbook, such as the photographers, art(which is what me and few others cover), quotes(Betty and Jughead), sports etc. Jughead and Betty have this weird relationship, it's like he flirts with her, but is being mean at the same time, which is kind of what Toni does to me. Betty and Archie just looked at me with worried expression, so I gave them the I'm ok look, I watched their previous worried faces turn to relief. Miss Shelley announced that whoever we are sitting by will be our yearbook partner for the year. Toni and I just looked at each other. The staring ended when Betty fake coughed.

2 hrs later...
When the bell rung for the end of 7th period I hurried out of the class, because Toni was also in that class and looking at her mad my inhibitions lower which wasn't good considering I sit right next to her in both classes. I went the back out of school because no one ever goes this way. As I was walking out the door someone grabbed my arm, "Cheryl, we should talk about what's going on between us." Toni said. "Toni we kissed, it's done there's nothing else." I lied, she stepped closer. "You're in denial and you know that there is more going on." "Look I'm not gay, you kissed me and I'm flattered, but I don't like you like that." I said trying not to look at her knowing if I looked at her she could tell I was lying. I noticed she had gotten closer. "Do you mean that or are you just trying to convince yourself, because you sure as hell aren't convincing me." She said with her signature smirk. I tried to stop it, but I couldn't help it. I grabbed her face and kissed her, she was shocked at first, but soon melted into it her hands were gliding up and down my sides as our tongues fought for dominance, she obviously won. I let out a little moan, we pulled back for air. "I'm sorry, I have to go." I said and ran out of there leaving Toni standing there shocked.

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