Who's Raven 11

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Cheryl's POV
It was silent now everybody was watching. "You know what Toni you're not worth the trouble, you're a whore anyways." Veronica said harshly. "I would not go there if I were you, tread lightly Veronica, tread lightly." Toni stepped closer to her. "What are you talking about?" Veronica asked looking around nervously. "You want me to air out all your dirty little secrets?" "You don't know anything." "I wouldn't be so sure, Raven." Toni said smirking. "You're delusional, who's Raven?" Veronica asked getting more nervous. "Don't play dumb Veronica you know what I'm talking about." Fangs grabbed her shoulder. "Toni don't do this you're better than she is." "Am I Fangs, am I?" Toni said still eyeing Veronica. "Yes" he said trying to pull her back. "No, we're the same, but I don't have sex with family members for attention, 'please touch me tío'" Veronica said mockingly. Toni looked heartbroken a tear fell from her cheek. "We.Are.Nothing.Alike. I would never, no matter how much I despise someone bring up anything about someone's sexual harassment or abuse." Toni started. Fangs finally letting her go because she was somehow calmer than before. "Veronica you were my friend, you were there when it happened, you saved me from him, but you have the audacity to bring it up over something as stupid as a break up, Are you serious." Toni said with extreme hurt in her voice. "You just tried to do the same thing!" Veronica yelled. "1st off why are you yelling, I'm right here. 2nd our situations are totally different. You're prancing around doing whatever you're doing willing, what happened to me was forced and now you're trying to turn it around like I wanted it to happen. You're a sick person Veronica." Toni finished as another tear fell. "Toni I-" "Veronica I don't care what you have to say. You are to never ever speak to me again, do not text or call me and if you talk to me, I might not have as much restraint as I do right now because I will drag you and you most likely will end up in the hospital. Goodbye now." Toni interrupted her calmly. "I-" "Veronica I don't care for cheap half ass apology, so just leave please." Toni pleaded sounding like she was going to cry as she finished the sentence. Veronica walked off slowly.

Kevin made everyone leave so we could talk to Toni. We all sat in a circle in Kevin's living room. "Toni, I'm so sorry that happened to you." Josie said. "I'm fine" "Toni, you're not fine, you're upset and crying." Betty said grabbing her hand. "I'm crying more over the fact that she brought it up and not about what happened with my uncle." "Wait your uncle, the one you live with?" Josie asked. "Josie were you not listening, tío means uncle." Betty stated. "Sorry, I didn't take Spanish sweaters." Josie mocked using the nickname, Betty gasped, "Rude" making Toni laugh at their interaction. "Yay she smiled." Archie cheered. "Toni who is Raven?" Fangs asked what everybody else was thinking. "Veronica is Raven." "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "It's her alias for when she has sex with men or women for free, but they don't live in Riverdale." "Gross, I'm surprised she didn't have some type of STD." I said. "I wasn't sure which is why we never kissed or had sex." "Are you serious?" Kevin asked shocked. "Yes. I'm very serious." Suddenly there was a knock on the front door. Kevin went to answer it. "Hey Tommy. What are you doing her?" Toni asked hugging her brother. "Uncle told me to bring you home." She stopped smiling when she heard him say uncle. "No" Toni said instantly. "Why? He said you two had a lot of fun since I wasn't there." "No. No. No. No. I'm not going and you're not going either, you are going to Mrs Blossom, she'll be happy to see you." She said trying to push him out. "Hi Fangs." He waved as Toni was still trying to push him out the door. "Toni stop. You're not strong enough." Tommy chuckled. Toni finally stopped out of breath. "Toni tell him he's your brother he needs to know." Fangs said. "Antoinette Topaz What is he talking about?" He asked frightened. "Eww did you have to use my full name." "Toni that is besides the point, tell me what he's talking about." He demanded walking closer to her. She started crying and Tommy wrapped his arms around her. "Did he hit you and touch you sexually?" He hesitated a little. She nodded and he looked angry. "Did he ever do more than touch you?" He asked crying. She nodded again not able to speak. "Please don't hate me." She said visibly squeezing him tighter, he put his chin on her head. "Toni I could never hate you, you did nothing wrong. If anything I should be asking you not to hate me, I left you alone. If only I waited then mom and dad wouldn't have died and I wouldn't have been sent away.l they pulled apart. "Tommy I don't hate you, you couldn't have known mom and dad would get into that car wreck." "But I left you alone with him. I hate myself." She didn't say anything. "Why do people do things like that?" He asked. "I don't know, but I kept asking him why me and he would always say the same thing, that it'll make me straight again." What do you mean make you straight? Are you not straight?" He looked into her eyes.

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