Could You BE Any Louder 31

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Cheryl's POV

She was done chasing and they came back to the living room. "You run so fast." He said out of breath. "How are you not out of breath?" "Dude you were in military school." "Shut up. You're making it seem like we ran across the whole damn country." He stared at Reggie causing him to blush. Toni looked between the both of them. "Nope. Hell no. Reggie is off limits." She was shaking her head. "You aren't the boss of me. I'm older than you." "Uhm guess what. I don't care. No just weird, I'm going to throw up." She gagged.

"Calm down drama queen. You're juniors." "Yeah. Do you want to catch a case?" He shook his head. "Exactly. Flirt all you want, but you can't do anything else until we get out of high school. Understood." "Fine. You're bossy."

"Why is it that the most homophobic people have 3 kids part of the LGBTQ+ community." Tommy said suddenly. "I don't know, but at least they're getting better." Toni stated. "They abandoned you." "I know that, but they at least allowed her to change, they might not agree with it, but they're getting better." "Do you not hate them?" "Tommy as much as they deserve it I don't and I couldn't, all the anger that comes with it isn't healthy and not worth holding onto because they aren't worth my time." "I'm angry and I need answers. I could careless what they did to me it's what they did to you. What possessed them to leave you and then send you to live with a pedophile. You were abused emotionally, physically and sexually while I was somewhere far away complaining about how horrible military school was when you had it so much worse."

"You sound more angry at yourself, but you shouldn't, because you couldn't have predicted what was going to happen. What happened to me is not your fault. I know you're angry, I was angry too, but you need to let it go. When you're ready let it all go."

"Toni. I'm sorry." "Sorry for what?" Toni cocked her head to the side confused as to why he felt the need to apologize. "I'm sorry I killed uncle. I was so angry when you told me, but also terrified of the worst. What if I didn't come back in time? What if your death brought me back? I don't think I would've been able to continue living if-" Toni cut him off. "Tommy please don't think like that. I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere, but please don't kill yourself if I were to die before you." "Are you like terminally ill or something because you seem unafraid or just ready to die." "No. I'm fine. I'm not afraid because what's the point in being afraid? We are all going to die eventually some earlier than others and I pray for them, but death is inevitable and you can't run away from it.

"Mom and dad beat it into us since birth and I don't think I've done it in a while and I kinda lost faith, but do you actually still pray?" Tommy asked Toni. "I mean not as much as I used to and if you're trying to ask do I still believe, the answer is yes." "Why?" He questioned. "Tommy I was raped. Thank God he didn't kill me. I was beat until I bled. Thank God I didn't die. He tried to tear me down because of his insecurities, but I'm still standing." "Exactly, and despite all those things you still believe. Why?" "You're missing the point Tommy. I'm alive that's why I still believe." She rolled up her sleeves.

"Tommy these scars are a sign of weakness, no matter how strong people may think I am or how strong I may act, I'm not. I'm broken, but that's ok because I'm working on fixing myself." Tears were threatening to come out his eyes. "Why did you do it?" His voice cracked. "I gave up." "Promise me you won't do it again." She looked at him not saying anything. It terrified me to think she would actually do it again and I really didn't want to go through that. I walked over and kneeled down in front of her and she looked up at me. "Toni look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't do it again." Her eyes didn't connect with mine. "I-" "Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't do it again." I spoke softly, but firmly. Her eyes quickly connected with mine. "I can't lie to you." Was all she said. Those words scared me and I didn't know how to react. I grabbed her hand and stood up. "Come with me." "Are you mad at me?" "No Toni I'm not mad. Scared, yes, but I'm not mad." She slowly started to walk with me as I took her to the bathroom upstairs.

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