Betty's Dad 36

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Toni's POV
I hugged her and she winced. I forgot she had the bruises and it made me angry knowing I wasn't there to help her or prevent it.

"I'm sorry I forgot." She gave me a weak smile. "It's fine." "It's not fine. Can I beat them up when I get back?" She chuckled which made me smile cause I made her smile.

"Toni the fact that you had to ask me answers your question, no." I squinted at her. "But they-" she hushed me with her finger. "I said no, because you'll get suspended again and I wouldn't like that." I smiled at her and I could see she was trying to hold back hers.

"Don't smile at me and promise you won't." She poked out her bottom. I held up my pinky finger. She rolled her eyes, but brought up her pinky anyway. "As you wish."

"Cute." Tommy startled me because I forgot that they were still in here. There was a knock on the door, we looked at each other confused because the others weren't out of school yet.

Cheryl looked through the peep hole she turned back and mouthed. "It's Betty's dad." Mrs Lodge and Tommy hid and we waited a few minutes hoping he would leave.

"I know you're in there Penelope." He kept banging on the door. Cheryl eyes her mother. "Why does he want to see you." She whispered her mom just shrugged.

Mrs Blossom went to open the door while Mrs Cooper went to hide. "What do you want Hal?" "I was hoping you could tell me where Alice is." "Sorry I haven't seen her at all today, so I don't know where she went." She lied.

"Ok thank you, If you see her please tell her I want to talk. Tell Cheryl I said hi and I'm sorry about Jason." Mrs Blossom nodded and shut the door as he walked off. They came out of hiding when he left.

"What did he want?" Mrs Cooper asked. "He just wanted to know where you were so he could talk." "He probably just wanted to see Betty."

"Oh that reminds me can we go to the mall after the others come from school?" Cheryl asked her mother. "But you and Toni are grounded." "But mom." She whined. Mrs B groaned and gave in. "Fine you're both ungrounded, but don't do anything else again."

A few hours later the doorbell rang. I went to open it because I knew it was the others coming from school. "Sup dudes and dudettes." "Hi Toni." Jughead said lowly. Cheryl quickly turned her head at the sound of his voice.

"What are you doing here?" She walked closer, but he never made eye contact. "I came to apologize, I know what I said was out of line and what I made the cheerleaders do was wrong." He played with his fingers, I've never seen him so scared in my life.

"Come closer." He looked hesitant, but did as he was told. "I forgive you, but if you ever test me again I'll castrate you in your sleep." "You're nice, but scary at the same time."

Cheryl chuckled, "Thanks, according to Betty I'm a real bitch." He looked at Betty and smile, Veronica noticed. "No me gusta, she's off limits." He just shrugged.

"Can we go to the mall another time I don't really feel like going." Betty announces, we all agreed.

Cheryl's POV
We all went upstairs. We talked, played some music, and watched a movie. I was sitting next to Toni laying my head on her shoulder and Veronica was sitting in between Betty's legs. If I'm being honest they're a really cute couple. Betty would whisper something in her ear and Veronica would giggle and blush.

"I will forever be lonely." Josie blurted pausing the movie.

"We're only in high school, you'll find someone eventually." I said. "Josie we're young, right now just live in the moment. There's always that one, and when you find them you just know." Veronica stated. Betty smiled sinking into the crook of Veronica's neck and squeezed her tighter causing Veronica to smile.

"Does anyone else find it weird to hear Veronica giggle like a school girl or am I the only one?" Josie asked. "Shut up or I'll choke you." Veronica threatened. "Please." Josie replied. "Are you even straight?" I asked

"Yes" Josie replied surely. "Then why did you flirt with Toni?" Betty added. "I'm straight, but not blind. Toni's undeniably hot." Josie stated obviously. "Thank you, but we already knew that." Toni quipped.

"Stop being cocky." I poked her. "How am I supposed to stop being sexy, like I don't know how to do that." Toni jokes.

"Toni you know that's not what I said." I just looked at her playfully. "I heard it clear as day." A smirk pulling at her lips. "You're irritating." I tried not to smile because she was smiling at me. "And you're amazing, Goodnight." She got up kissing my cheek, I whined immediately missing her warmth.

"Where are you going?" I questioned. "To bed just like you, you have school tomorrow." I sighed knowing she was right.

"I feel bad for you Toni, all that work you have to make up." Josie laughed. "That's what I've been forgetting, Cheryl you were supposed to get my work."

"I did" I simply stated. "But you never gave it to me." She gave me a confused looked. "I know, because I did it for you." She beamed at me, "You're the best girlfriend in the whole world, now go to bed so you don't fall asleep in class."

"Goodnight Toni." I started to get comfortable in bed.

"Goodnight princess." She kissed my forehead and left. Betty and Veronica were still giggling and being cute.

"Go to bed." I said to them. "Don't be salty cause Toni isn't in here." Betty stuck her tongue out at me. "Doesn't matter because once you two actually start dating she's going to make Veronica switch with Josie."

I laid down drifting of to sleep thinking of everything that happened and how everything went right in my life. I was finally content.

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