V and B 24

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Cheryls POV
I was super nervous. I didn't want to tell her that I kissed her. "Yes." "She said she didn't cheat on me." "I mean I kissed her." "Did she stop you? Did she say she had a girlfriend?" "No, but I ran off before she could say anything." It was an awkward silence and we eventually just went to bed.

I woke up early and woke up Betty. We went downstairs to make breakfast while everyone was still asleep. We were fixing the plates when everyone came downstairs. "Good morning everyone." Betty said in her chipper morning voice. "Good morning Betty." Veronica said back. We handed them their plates, but when Betty handed Veronica her plate their hands grazed and they smiled and stared at each other. It wasn't the awkward, "omg our hands touched" it was more of an "I want to kiss you right now" stare. "Hmm" I cleared my throat and they stopped staring and sat down. When we finished we all sat in the living room.

I went to the kitchen to get some water. I got Betty's attention and she walked into the kitchen. "What?" "Um. What was that look between you and Veronica? I thought you liked Jughead." I whispered so they wouldn't hear. "I did, but he likes Toni and he's an asshole, so I'm over him." She answered. "So do you like Veronica?" "I don't know, it's complicated. She had her flaws like everyone else granted hers are terrible and she needs to work on that, but she's funny, she makes me laugh, and she's trying to make an effort to change." She looked back at Veronica and when their eyes met they both smiled. She continued. "I liked Jughead, but she makes me feel different and I've never felt it before." "Maybe you've liked her ever since you just didn't want to admit it." "Maybe, but let's get back before they get worried."

"Hey kids, you guys are up early." My mother stated. "Toni I am going to go get your siblings since your parents are in jail." "Where are they?" She asked. "They're at Sheriff Keller's Because I asked him to take them until I came and got them." The doorbell ring. "I'll get." Toni said going to the front door. She opened the door and there stood .... "Sweetpea? I though-" She was cut off from him kissing her she pulled back quickly. "I have a girlfriend Sweetpea." "I figured, but I just wanted to do that one last time." He left and she just stood there and closed the door. "He just kissed me." She mumbled to herself. "Yeah we saw." Jughead rolled his eyes. "What is your problem with me?" Toni asked. "You said you didn't cheat on Veronica, but you were with a girl way before her." Toni looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?" "Don't play dumb. You're a whore and you know it. I saw you with that girl all the time." What girl?" Toni looked even more confused. "Light brown hair, hazel eyes, and glasses." He started to describe her. Toni laughed at him. "Oh her" "Yeah now you remember." She stopped smiling, but instead got angry. "I'm getting really tired of everyone calling me a whore. I already feel like one. I feel dirty and disgusting. Do you know how many people texted me after that party? I don't either too many people to count and about that girl, who by the way is like in her 30s and I don't date older women, she's my therapist." He looked at her with his mouth opened. "What? Why didn't you tell us?" She looked absolutely hurt by this question. "I did Jughead." Her voice cracked. "Do you remember in 7th grade we went to the lake?" He nodded. "That's when I told you, but you and Sweetpea were more focused on other parts of me than what was coming out of my mouth because you see me as an object to be thrown around, but I'm a human being with feelings. All I wanted you to do was be there, to care." "Why do you need a therapist?" He asked. She held out her arms and he stepped closer his eyes widened in realization. "How long ago?" "7th grade." "Why?" "I was tired of everything the pain that my uncle caused." " Yeah I get that, but what were you feeling?" He asked. "I just felt alone like no one cared whether or not I died or lived." "Toni, Jughead and I haven't been the best of friends right now, but we will always care. You weren't alone and you aren't alone now. You have us and I know I haven't seen been the best friend and I wasn't the best girlfriend, but I'm trying and believe me when I say you will never be alone. Please talk to us and tell us when you feel alone or when you feel like ending it because I want to end it all most of the time and I want to help." Veronica said. "Thank you Veronica." "How come the school didn't find out." Jughead asked ruining the moment. "My uncle paid them off because he was embarrassed, but he told me I should've cut deeper that it would've been easier if I had just died instead of surviving." "Toni I'm sorry we were terrible friend." Veronica said. "Fangs knew, which is how I got a therapist." "Do you still cut?" Veronica asked. "No. I would've been dead, but you said you sometimes feel like ending it all. Why?" She asked Veronica. "That doesn't matter." Veronica replied. "What do you mean it doesn't matter? Of course it does." "Let me rephrase that. I don't matter." "Toni we're talking about this when I get back then she left.

We eventually turned on the TV so it wouldn't be so quiet then we all sat down and just started watching it. "Toni could you get me some water?" I asked. "Why?" She countered. "Because you're closer." "Anything for you princess." She kissed me on my cheek. I playfully shoved her. "Stop being weird and please get me some water you goofball." I chuckled. "As you wish" She got up bowed. Betty and Josie looked at each other like they knew something I didn't. Toni back in with the water sat back down and put her head in my lap. I kissed her forehead. "Thank you." I said. "You're welcome. Whatever you ask me I will do." She said back. We smiled at each other and Kevin and Fangs ruined the moment with their unnecessary squealing. "You two are so freaking cute. You keep smiling at each other and putting the rest of us to shame. You two are made for each other." Kevin blurted out. We all just looked at one another and laughed at Kevin's outburst.

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