Extra Gay 30

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Cheryl's POV

When we got home from school Veronicas eyes were red and puffy from crying. Toni noticed and looked at her worriedly. "Veronica what happened?" She was super quiet, she opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. "Would you like me to tell her?" Betty asked holding her hand. She nodded. "Veronica's mom was murdered by one of her dads enemies." Betty finished telling Toni who instantly hugged Veronica.

"She told my dad to tell me she loved me." Veronica finally spoke. "The one time she actually says it, it's when she's dying. I didn't even get to say goodbye." Toni let go and switched with Betty. Toni picked up the envelope. "What's this?" She asked "It's a note Veronica's mom wrote to her in case of her untimely death." I stated. Veronica looked up. "Toni can you read it?" She asked and Toni nodded opening the envelope and unfolding the letter inside. She took a sharp breath.

Veronica I know you're probably wondering when I wrote this, but that doesn't matter. I want you to know that I didn't want to leave you with your father. What ever you do never change, your father never liked the fact that you were kind and cared about others, so he tried to change you to be more like him. I know you felt like I didn't love you, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I just wish I could tell you or show you. I hate myself that I wasn't a good mother. I didn't really understand what love was, but I knew from the day you were born that I would love you more than anything. Everyone compares you to your father, but don't let that stop you from being the sweetest, genuine, loving, and most caring person I know. I hope you don't resent me for not knowing how to tell you this and please don't resent your father(even though I'm writing this because he probably pissed off some rival). Be a better person than your father and I. I was taught emotions were weak, but they aren't, they give you strength. Don't shut people out because you're angry or sad let them be there for you. I love you Veronica and I always will.

When she finished reading we all had tears in our eyes. The doorbell rung and. Veronica checked the time on her phone. "Dang it I forgot Reggie wanted to talk." She got up and opened the door. "Hey Veronica. What's wrong?" He noticed the tears still in her eyes. "Nothing really other than my dad telling me that my mom died." She said bitterly. "I'm so sorry Veronica." "I'm fine" "You know that's a lie." He looked at her intensely. "Reggie you can come in." I said realizing he was still standing outside. He smiled and closed the door. "Thank you. It was a little cold. I know it's a little late for this, but I'm sorry for the way I treated you, you're a nice person and I guess I was mad because you had friends that actually cared." "It's never too late Reggie." I smiled at him. "Cheryl I'm serious, you're being nice to me, but I know you resent me. I bullied your brother to the point he killed himself. I'm not proud of what I did. My dad told me to take care of him or he would." My face contorted to confusion. What did Jason do that made Reggie's dad not like him? He must have noticed my confusion because he started to explain.

"We had a project together. We weren't that close on football. I came to your house, you weren't there in case you were wondering where you were. Anyways, we were talking and joking around then he kissed me. I kissed back and we snuck around for a few months, but I got scared because I actually started to fall for him and I didn't know what that meant, so I went to my dad, but you see how that turned out. I don't really want to label anything and I don't really know what I am, but I genuinely liked and I hate myself for hurting him." "I don't resent you Reggie, not anymore at least."

"What did his note say?" He asked playing with his fingers. "Not much, he just said he was sorry for whatever he did to make you hate him, but he wrote you a separate letter. I couldn't bring myself to give it to you and I didn't read it." I got up to bring him the note. "You don't have to read it now, but maybe it'll bring you some closure." He reached in his backpack and pulled out a jersey that read Blossom. "Here." He handed it to me. "It's Jason's jersey." "Thank you." I smiled and he smiled back. "Veronica I'm sorry again. I would love to talk, but my dad's going to get angry. I should probably head out." I felt bad because his dad didn't seem all that nice. "You could stay the night. If you want of course. You could tell your dad that you're at a friends house." I offered.

"Really. Are you sure? What about your mom?" He asked unsure. "It's ok really, she won't mind." "Where's Jughead and Sweetpea?" He asked. "Jughead was being a dick and Sweetpea had some issues." I answered and he just nodded. The kids ran out and engulfed me in a hug which confused me. "Cheryl you're back!" They cheered. "Uhm...What about your sister sitting right here." Toni pointed to herself. "We didn't forget about you." They all congregated over time her and Trenton climbed in her lap and grabbed her face.

"We won't be like mom and dad. They left you, but we never will. You're amazing and awesome and it's a shame they didn't get to see you blossom." He said. "That's sweet and poetic." "Well I like poems. I wrote one for my girlfriend." "Girlfriend? You're 6." "Yeah, I know. You have a girlfriend." He said to her. "How do you know that?" "Tommy told me." "He said you don't like boys and you're extra gay." "That's not true. I like boys." "How much?" Trenton challenged. "8 percent" She replied. "That means you're 92 percent gay." "Exactly. Boys are gross and complicated." "I'm not gross, but I agree. I'll stick to girls." He said smiling. "We will get along well. Up top." She gave him a high five and he laughed.

"Toni would you be mad at me if I liked boys and only boys?" Tori asked. Toni face changed and it went serious. "Of course not. You can like whoever you want. That's my opinion it doesn't have to be yours. The little girl perked up at her response. "I told you Terri, she won't judge you." Tori said. "What's wrong Terri?" Toni's smile faded. "I was originally a boy. Mom and dad let me change." Terri said. Toni looked at her and smiled. "I'm so taking you to pride when you're old enough." "What's that?" "You'll find out in about 6 more years."

My called them to take a bath. Toni got up and texted someone. Soon Tommy came up from the basement. "What do you want?" He groaned. "Don't tell children I'm extra gay you're one to talk, you're super duper extra gay." "Oh please you're 2000 percent gay." "You can't do math." She shot back. "You broke the chart 100 isn't enough." She crosses her arms and glared at him. "Serious question. What do you see in girls?" He asked her. "What do you see in guys?" "Aren't you bi?" "I like guys just not that much like 8 percent." "Well if that 8 percent made you feel all tingly would you cheat on Cheryl?" "No!" She smacked him in the head. "I could never." She turned and winked at me.

"Exactly like I said. Extra gay." He said. "Shut up and go suck a dick." "Don't have to tell me twice." He replied. Toni ran after him and chased him to the basement. All you could hear was laughter.

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