Love Square 18

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Toni stormed off and Veronica grabbed her. "Let go." "No you're angry you've been through a lot and we're adding on to it, but don't walk away angry you'll do something you'll regret." Veronica said. "I said let go!" Toni raised her voice shoving Veronica off of her make her stumble a little. "Toni calm down." Sweetpea said. "You're one to talk." She was getting angrier. "Toni calm down." "I'm calm." "No you're not." He said. "I'm getting tired of everyone thinking they know me, you don't I'm so tired of everything." She finished and started hyperventilating. "Toni it's ok." Veronica held on to her and she calmed. "Get off of me." Toni stood up and stormed upstairs. "Was that about you 3 or..." Archie trailed off being the clueless red head he is. "No Archie that was so much more. Her brother killed her uncle, her parents came back then to find out she was adopted and those three." I pointed at Jughead, Sweetpea, and Veronica. "Aren't making it any better." I said. "But why did she get so mad?" He asked. "Because the more you suppress your emotions the bigger the outcome. She didn't handle her emotions she kept pushing them down and saying she was fine when clearly she wasn't." My mom walked in. "Why aren't you guys asleep and where is Toni?" She asked. "Toni's upstairs." I answered. "Why?" "She got really angry started hyperventilating then stormed off." "Ok I'll go check in her." My mother said worriedly.

30 minutes later my mom came back down. "She's ok now, she had a panic attack and she also asked for you guys to come upstairs, except for you two." She pointed at Jughead and Sweetpea. "Why does Veronica get to go?" They asked in unison. "I don't know her choice." My mother shrugged. We walked into the room and she was sitting on the bed and we sat on the couch that was in there. "Veronica you're here because I wanted to apologize for getting angry even though you were just trying to help and can you tell the boys I'll speak to them later because I know that they're butt hurt because I asked you and not them." Veronica got up and left. "Why are we here?" I asked. "Betty's soothing, Josie's funny, and you're cut to look at." She replied. I looked down cause I didn't want her to see that she made me blush. "Teach me Toni." Josie said out of nowhere. "Teach you what?" "Make everyone fall in love with me." "They're not in love with me." She rolled her eyes. "Please Sweetpea and Veronica are undeniably in love with you and Jughead likes you." "If So then why did they sleep with each other." "Because Sweetpea was like she doesn't like me and Veronica was like she likes someone else so they fucked." Josie said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Whatever lets just forget about this love triangle." Toni said. "It's more of a love square." I said. "I'm not going to think about let's just go to bed."

Last night all I could think about was Toni calling me cute, maybe I have a chance maybe not, but at least she's my friend. We all got dressed for school today. I really didn't want to go, but at least it was Friday so it's the weekend. We all ate when we went downstairs. We were leaving when my mom said, "Bye have a good day at school." "Ok se you later." I said quietly. We made it to school I got out the car slowly the others were already walking ahead except Toni and I. I walked off before she did when I felt someone tap me. "Hey cherry you ok?" Toni asked worriedly. "Yeah I'm fine." I said unconvincingly. I was actually pretty sad because I missed Jason and Toni's panic attack last night made me think of when Jason used to get them. "Princess you're a terrible liar, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She smiled at me and I smiled back. "Um you two going to walk faster." Betty said Toni and I chuckled and caught up with them. We went into the student lounge and we sat there and had fun until Principal Weatherbee walked towards us.

"Mrs Topaz why weren't you at school yesterday?" He questioned. She turned towards him. "As if I was the only one that didn't go to school yesterday." She said with an attitude. "I think I know why." He smirked. "Oh really why?" "You lied to everyone about your dead parents. I believed in you, you are one of my best students. I trusted you and you lied. For what, attention?" She stopped glaring and she looked hurt. She stood up, "Wow. Ok one I didn't even know that they were alive and two why are you so focused on my personal life." "It's because I are about my students." "No you're just being nosy." His eyes went wide. "Toni you are being highly disrespectful and rude it's unlike-" She interrupted already knowing what he was about to say and rolled her eyes. "Yes, 'cause you know me so well." "That's it you are coming with me to the office." "Why it's not like you can call anyone." "Your parents." Her head turned very quickly. "Do not call them." She demanded. "Remember who the authority is. I tell you what to do not the other way around." "You're not my authority and neither are my so called parents so calling them will do absolutely nothing." "You're clearly going through something let me help." He touches her shoulder and she stepped back. "Don't touch me with your old man hands and I don't need your help."

Sorry I couldn't post last night. I live with my brother and sometimes his internet connection isn't really good and it wouldn't load, but I will post them today.

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