Relief 12

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Cheryl's POV
"No I'm not, I'm bi." "When did you know?" "Would you be mad at me if I told you around the time you told them you were gay?" "No and I don't blame especially not with the way they reacted with me." "Toni." She looked up at him. "Is it wrong that when they told me that mom and dad died I felt a sense of relief?" He asked her. "I mean you were hurting at the time and on top of that they neglected us." "How did you feel?" Tommy asked. "I don't know. I get sad when I talk about them or about the situation period, but I think I'm more sad that we were mad at them when they died. I wish I could take back what I said to them and to tell them that I love them, the last thing I said to them was "You should burn in hell, I hate you." then they said "That's where you'll be going if you accept your brother for his sins." When I was told that they died I didn't grieve them properly. Uncle told me not to be weak not to be vulnerable, so my sadness turned to anger, but I don't think that helped." "Was the funeral open casket?" "No, but even if it was their bodies were never found." "Really. What if they're still alive?" "How would you feel if they were?" Toni asked. "Angry. Angry that they left you alone, that they decided to abandon you, I knew they weren't good parents, but that would be a whole other level of fucked up." "I would feel angry, sad, unwanted, unloved, but those feelings are everyday." "You should really talk to someone, if you really feel like that." He said she shrugged. "Do you think if mom and dad we're alive they would come back if I told what Uncle Timothy did?" Toni asked. "I would like to say yes, but honestly I don't know." He sighed. "Well I'll head out and see Mrs Blossom." " Yeah you do that." "Why the rush? I want to meet your friends." "What do you mean rush you're the one that said you were going." Toni looked at him confused. "Yeah and you're trying to push me out the door, I thought you would at least introduce me, Are you hiding something." He said mockingly pointing a finger. "Oh shut up." "Mean, you used to be my little angel now you're just a little brat." He said grabbing her cheeks. "I'm not a little angel anymore and I'm not a brat either and you, brother, wanted to meet my friends." She pushed him forward she continued. "Meet Kevin, Archie, Josie, Betty, and Cheryl." "Cheryl, as in Mrs Blossoms daughter, Cheryl?" "Yes. How would you know that?" Toni questioned him with a look of confusion. I was confused to because I've never seen him a day in my life. "Because buttface." Tommy started. "Rude" "When I was younger Mrs. Blossom took me to her house and I met Cheryl. She might not remember because you two were only 3 at the time, and you were with Aunt Tina." "Why was I with Aunt Tina?" She questioned. "Because angel, you know how she had a bunch of people living in her house?" "Not an angel, but yes, go in." "Well they wanted to see you and mom and dad didn't have time for me, so they sent me to Mrs Blossoms." "Question. What's the backstory on the angel nickname?" Kevin asked. "One day she asked me about death and I told her when you die there's a good and bad place, if you go to the good place you're an angel, and she said mom and dad told her she was going to the bad place, so I told her she will go to the good place because she was already my little angel." He said smiling. "I cannot believe you just told that story, I don't even remember that." "You were only 5." "Well you were a wise 11 year old." "Don't forget sexy." "Oh please you were the ugliest 11 year old ever seen." "Rude, but I missed you." He pulled her into a hug. "I'm heading out for real this time, goodbye, and it was nice meeting you all. "Your brother got big." Fangs said. "You will not flirt with my brother, he's 23 and you have a boyfriend." Toni glared at him.

A few minutes later there was another knock on the door. She checked the peep hole first and rolled her eyes. She opened the door. "What do you want Sweetpea?" "Veroni-" he started. "Shhh. I don't care, that thing is not my friend, you are not my friend, anyone that associates with her is not my friend. She is a despicable bitch who should go to hell, tell her that is you want, goodbye and have a nice night." She went to close the door, but he stopped it with his foot. "Toni are you ok?" He walked in. "I'm fine now leave." She turned around expecting him to leave he grabbed her arm. "Toni look at me." She turned aggressively. "What!" "You're clearly not fine." He emphasizes fine. "Way to point out he obvious." "Look Toni I'm your friend, I want you to know that I will be here for you." He stayed into her eyes. "Thank you Sweetpea, but this is weird. You couldn't have texted me?" "Veronica has my phone." "1. It's that ok, no she, her, or calling it by their name, it's that. And 2. Why does that thing have your phone?" He stopped looking at her. "She took it from my house to tell you something which is why I'm here to tell you myself." "Sweetpea if you're telling me what I think you're telling me, you are dead to me." " When we first slept together-" Toni cut him off. "When you first, are you telling me that you and that thing slept together while I was still with it." "Yes and I'm really sorry. I wanted you to hear it from me and not her." "You think Because you told me it would hurt less, no it doesn't it hurts more, just hearing the words come out of your mouth makes me want to slap the hell out of you right now. What the hell were you thinking!" "It was an accident. I don't like her like that, I like you." "An accident! How the hell is that an accident! Like oops my dick slipped out of my hand. No that's not how it fucking works Sweetpea!" "Toni I never meant to hurt you." He reached for her hand, but she pulled away. He looked hurt at the action. She had tears in her eyes at this point. She looked up at him. "Do you hate me?" He looked shocked that she asked him that. "Of course not, Toni." "Then why. Why sleep with that thing knowing we were together?" He shrugged. "I don't know." She flashed daggers at him. "What the hell do you mean you don't know?" "Toni I don't fucking know what else do you want me to say!" "Anything other than I don't know, you could say she's pretty, or you wanted to, or you could say it was a dare for all I care, but saying I don't know just makes this whole situation worse." She hugged herself and turned away from him with tears streaming down her face. "Toni please say something." He pleaded. "How long?" She spoke. "Um the 17th of September." "Are you joking it's the fucking end of October." "Toni please don't hate me." "Sweetpea, you're were one of my best friends, but I don't think I could ever forgive you, I might get over it, but what you did was unforgivable." "You don't have to forgive me jus-" "I sure as hell don't , I can't forgive, so I'll forget this happened, so congratulations you've been forgotten, stranger danger, get the hell out of my face. I hope it was fucking worth it." "Toni I-" "Sweetpea, just leave she clearly doesn't want to talk to you." Fangs stepped in hugging Toni as he watched Sweetpea drive off.

I was bored and needed something to do.
This was a longer chapter and I wanted to say thank you for reading and voting it means a lot. Love you 200+ readers.

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