I Meant You 27

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Cheryl's POV
Everybody ate so us girls went in my room. Toni is making me so happy that I can't help but smile. Her smile lights up a room and her laugh is infectious that you can't help but laugh along with her. I also really like my nickname, princess. It seems so simple, but I've never felt like a Princess, and she makes me feel like one.

"Hey princess. What's on your mind?" "Nothing really other than you." She smiled brightly showing her dimples. "You two are sickeningly adorable." Veronica stated. "You're just jealous." Josie pointed out. "No, I'm over Toni. I have my sights on someone else. "Do they go to our school?" Toni asked intrigued. "Yes." "Who is it?" Betty asked excited for her friend, but I could here the subtle hurt in her voice. "Just an amazing person I met." Veronica smiled playing with her fingers. Betty looked so sad and hurt like she wanted to cry and it made me sad.

My mother suddenly came into my room. "Thanks for making breakfast and also Cheryl you're grounded." "Why?" "You know why." "No I don't. If I knew why I wouldn't have asked." "Why was there marijuana in you're room?" My eyes went wide. Shoot I forgot about that. Jason would ask me to hide it in my room because my mom would search his room and he knew that she would never search mine.  "That's not mine." "So what it just walked up in here." "No. I-" She cit me off. "Stand up and walk over to me right now." I did as I was told. "What drugs are you using?" "Do you seriously think it's mine." "Who else." "Wait Why did you search my room?" I asked. "You're getting older and you're not that innocent little girl anymore and don't change the subject. What drugs are you using?" "Mom I'm not using any drugs and if I'm being honest I'm kind of hurt that you don't believe me." "Then who Cheryl." "Jason. He would ask me to hide it because he knew you wouldn't check in here." "Is there more?" "There was, but I disposed of it. I just forgot about that because it was hidden so well." "Yeah it was I almost didn't find it, but I was wondering why you still had that. The day it broke and you asked to keep it I thought you were the weirdest person." "Not weird just smart."

"Whatever, but how did you dispose of the rest." "If I tell you, you might actually ground me." "Cheryl Marjorie Blossom." "Eww. Why did you use my full name." "Cheryl" "Oh right. Remember those brownies I made about 3 weeks ago." Her mom nodded. "They were in those." "I ate those." "Yes, but I told you not to eat them." "I didn't hear you. What we're you going to do with them?" "Give them to my teachers." "They could've gotten fired." "It's Riverdale they don't have morals." "True, but that doesn't changed anything you're grounded for 2 weeks." I groaned and sat back down on my bed.

I remembered that I needed to tell her that Toni and I are dating. "No can I tell you something?" "Yeah. What is it?" I looked at Toni and she smiled. "Toni is my girlfriend." My mom clapped. "Finally. Took you long enough Toni." We laughed. "Betty do you have a boyfriend or like anyone." "No boyfriend and I might be bi because I like this girl, but I don't think she feels the same." She looked down sadly. "I'm sorry honey you're smart, beautiful and funny you'll find someone." She was about to walk out then she stopped. "Toni you sleep with Josie now since you and Cheryl are dating."

"Mom!" I blushed. "What she's a cheerleader and you're bound to be sexually frustrated." "Mom leave." "Ok, but don't stay up too late you have school tomorrow." Then she shut the door. Veronica was staring at Betty. She probably noticed the sad look on her face. "B what's wrong?" Veronica asked. "Nothing." She snapped. "I just wanted to know if you were ok no need to snap at me for no reason. Betty rolled her eyes. Veronica stood up and held out her hand for Betty to grab. "Come with me." "No." Betty shot back. Veronica grabbed her hand and dragged her to the door. "I wasn't asking. After you." They walked out and she shut the door.

Betty's POV
She grabbed my hand making my heart beat faster than it already was. She pulled me into the bathroom. "What's wrong? We were fine and now you're mad at me." She hopped on the bathroom counter casually. She crossed her legs and I wanted so badly to kiss her. "It's not really you I'm just a little jealous." "Jealous of what?" "The amazing person you were talking about. I like you a lot Roni and it hurt. I thought we had something, but you like someone else and I just hope that me telling you this doesn't ruin our friendship." She smiled at me. "Come here." I walked over to her. "Closer." She whispered. I was now in between her legs. Our faces were so close and it was making it harder not to kiss her. "Well you're in luck because I meant you." She said softly in my ear. She connected our foreheads. I leaned in and kissed her she immediately kissed back."

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