Why Is She So Perfect 5

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Cheryl's POV
I was the first to wake up, Toni and Josie slept in the guess room which was right across from my room and Betty and I slept in my room. I heard my room door open. I saw Josie peek her head through. "Come in." "Well who knew Toni was such a smoke show, you should've seen her abs." Betty started to stir in her sleep. "Shut up you two and Josie stop checking Toni out." Betty said not opening her eyes. "Is she still asleep?" I asked. "No. Your mom called her downstairs." "Why?" "Because she wanted to take me shopping." Toni said walking into my room. "She said that you don't like going shopping." Toni continued sitting on my bed. "That's not true I just don't like all the walking we have to do." I said defending myself. "Little lazy aren't we. It's ok we're going to have fun today." She said standing up. "As in exercising?" Betty asked groaning. " Ew, no." Toni replied with a disgusted face. "I said we are doing something fun and exercising is not fun to me." She finished. "What are we doing?" Josie asked. "I don't know, Mrs.Blossom said she was taking us out today and she told me to tell you guys to get ready, so get out of bed." She said tossing a pillow at Betty and grabbing my hand yanking me out of bed. Josie stood there laughing until Toni said, "Hey Josie, I didn't know you were such a smoke show either." Her lips curling into a smile causing Josie to blush. "Oh you heard that?" Now Betty and I were laughing. Then Toni turned to Betty. "Oh by the way Jughead thinks you're cute, which is why he claims he hates you." Her smile not leaving her face. "Why would I care about Jughead?" Betty asked making a face. "Please, it's obvious that you like him, every time he comes up to you, you're either blushing, flustered, or both it's adorable." Toni finished stating the obvious. "Who do you like?" Betty asked her, turning the attention away from her to Toni. "Well, that's on a need to know basis and you, Betty, do not need to know." Toni said tapping the tip of Betty's nose and then exiting my room. "How does she do that?" Josie asked. "Do what?" I asked not understanding what she was talking about. "She just flirted with us with no effort." Josie replied. "Maybe you ah e a crush on her you didn't know you had." I pointed out not liking what I said because I wouldn't want Josie to like Toni like that. "I have cheer with her I'm pretty sure I would've known." Josie stated.

We all ate and left. The car ride was fun, we were all singing along to the music except for Toni she was just sitting quietly laughing as she watched us. When we arrived at the karaoke place, Josie and Toni dragged Betty and I up on stage. I knew Josie could sing, but Toni, who knew, she was so quiet during the car ride. We sung tons of songs before we left. As we were walking back to the car Josie said, "Who knew Toni could sing, is there anything she can't do. She's like a goddess. Why is she so perfect?" "Nobody's perfect." I said getting into the car annoyed that Josie was obsessing over her. "She basically as the whole school pining after her, can sing, dance, and as a knack for journalism, what can't she do." Josie said gushing over her. "You have cheer with her, how did you not know this stuff?" "Because I never actually hung out with her, it was always meetings at her house that ended in us arguing about something." My mom stopped at the mall remembering that she said she was going to take Toni shopping. We didn't stay as long because tomorrow we had school. Toni, Betty, and Josie has to go home so we all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. "Toni seemed sweet. She was polite, respectful, and very helpful." My mother said. "Yeah, hopefully she stays like that." I said hoping when we go back to school she doesn't go all ice queen.

I felt like today was going to be a good day. When I got to school I met up with Betty, Josie, Kevin, and Archie. "What are you guys talking about?" I asked as I approached them. "Betty and I were just telling Kevin and Archie about our time spent with Toni." Josie replied. "Yeah was she nice or sweet like Fangs said?" Kevin asked. "Yes she was so nice and a smoke show." Josie replied. "Your gay is showing." Kevin said to Josie causing her to blush. As if on cue Fangs and Toni walked up to us. "Sup losers, I just wanted to let you know that this weekend was not an invitation to talk to me, so don't." Toni said in the sweetest voice possible and most gorgeous smile and walked off dragging Fangs with her, mouthing 'I'm sorry' "I knew this was going to happen, she's a bitch and she not going to change." Archie said looking angry. I on the other hand was in utter shock on how someone can be so sweet and kind, but then turn around and act like a total ice cold bitch, but for some reason instead of giving up on Toni it made me want to know more of the story, Toni's story.

Hey guys, I just wanted to thank you for reading my story. At the moment I don't have a schedule, but if you could comment and tell me when you would like for me to post would be awesome. Again thank you so much for reading my story and please vote for this story. Love you guys!

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