Míja 29

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Cheryl's POV

I was a little sad because Toni wasn't going to school. I wanted to have my girlfriend with me. it feels weird saying that, my girlfriend,. Today's going to be so boring without Toni. Veronica made it funnier, but both of them together had all of us dying of laughter.

As we were walking to the school Reggie and some vixens came up to us. "Fangs and Veronica you are traitors." "Shut the fuck up Reggie." Veronica said. "What happened to you Veronica? You're such a prude now." Midge said. "Last time I checked I'm still co captain so you might want to watch what you say." "Sorry I forgot please don't kick me off the team." she quietly spoke. "Sure you forgot. Go walk you skinny little ass to the gym and don't speak unless spoken to because you're on my, I'm going to kill you during the purge list, got it." Midge nodded quickly and ran off. There was another cheerleader still standing there and I think her name was Ginger, but I'm not really sure. "Why are you still standing there leave." Veronica said harshly to the girl. "You scared them away." Reggie complained. "Yeah that was the point." She crossed her arms. "What's stuck up your butt. You mad because your daddy doesn't love you?" "I don't know if yo expect me to be sad about that. I know my dad doesn't love me and I honestly don't think he has a heart to do so and I could say the same for you." "You wouldn't dare." "You're right I wouldn't, not anymore at least. You do that when you're ready, but going around bullying others because you're angry isn't the way to go. Toni and I used to do the same thing and it doesn't help anyone." "Veronica I'm not that person." "Reggie you're a sweet guy why not show others." "Veronica you know my dad." "No Reggie I don't because you don't talk to us. You never tell us the full story. You show up at my doorstep crying asking for help with a black eye and busted and tell me you were jumped and I believed you, but what actually happened? I don't know because you don't say anything. I can't help you if you won't let me." "Will you and Toni help me?" He asked her. "Of course. I would love to help you." He looked at her in awe. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" "It's just you act like such a bitch, but you're so nice. Why do you still talk to me after I cheated on you?" "Holding grudges doesn't solve anything." "Are you ok?" Reggie asked her genuinely. "More than. Why?" She smiled, but it seemed forced. "You're lying the smile didn't reach your eyes." "Reggie I'm fine really." "Why do you offer to help others, but won't let others help you."

"Almost everyone knows about my father and what he did. I have given up on people caring about me, they just think I'm an extension of my father so I offer to help others. Out of school of course." "Why do act like a bitch?" "If that's how they see me then I'll give them what they want. If I be nice they'll assume I'm trying to manipulate them and if I don't do anything they'll assume I'm weak. So I stick to helping people out of school." "I hope we get to talk. Catch you later I have to go." Reggie walked off and waved goodbye.

"Míja, where have you been?" Veronica turned around to see her father whose name I think is Hiram, but I'm not entirely sure considering I didn't know Veronica very well. "Dad we're in public could we do this another time." "No we're leaving." "Where?" "To New York." "Why?" "You're getting married." He grabbed her arm. "To who?" She looked shocked. "Nick St.Clair, his family moved to New York so we're moving too." "I would rather die than marry that asshole." "Stop with the dramatics míja and let's go." "I'm not going and I don't want to marry Nick!" She slightly shouted and snatched her arm away from him. "I thought you liked Nick." Her father said. "No I don't and you would know that if you ever listened to me. He drugged me because I wouldn't have sex with him." Her father looked angry. "He what? I'll kill him." "No dad you'll go to jail again. Go home and forget I said anything." She looked at her father surprised by his fatherly reaction. "No I'm not leaving until I find him and he's dead." "Why do all of a sudden want to be a good father?" He was confused. "Have I not been a good father?" "No you haven't. Where is mom does she know about the arranged marriage?" Hiram completely zoned out.

Veronica began to snap in his face to get his attention. "Hello. Where is mom?" She asked again. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but your mom is dead." He spoke quietly has tears began to well up in Veronica's eyes. "I'm sorry míja. Before she died she told me to tell you that even though she wasn't a good mother she loved you." "How did she die?" She asked ignoring everything he just said. "She was shot in the stomach. One of my enemies thought they couldn't get revenge by killing your mother." Veronica was silent for a while. "It should've been you." "What?" He was shocked by what she said. "I said it should've been you." "You don't mean that." "I do mean it. She did everything for you, even things she didn't think were right. She feared for her life because she thought you would kill her." "Do you fear me?" He asked her. "No, but I fear for you. You think you l're the smartest mobster, but one day you'll meet someone smarter and end up dead." "Are you wishing death upon your own flesh and blood." "No I'm simply telling you what will happen if you keep this up."

It was silent. Then he spoke. "She told me to give this to you before she died." It was a white envelope that had my little girl written on the front of it. "What is it?" She looked at her father for an answer. "It's a death not that she wrote beforehand in case of her untimely death." He got into his car and drove off without saying anything else.

We went about the rest of our day, but it was sad and gloomy. I have never seen her so sad. I thought she would be angry, but the rest of the day she avoided everybody, even Betty, but we didn't complain. She was sad and not in the best state of mind, but I wish she would let us help her, which is something I never thought I would say, but I actually like her now.

Sorry I couldn't post. We had moved in with my grandmother for a little bit and when we moved back home my things got lost and I just found it.

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