I Don't Think I Can 20

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Cheryl's POV
"I'm sorry Toni." "You seem to be saying that a lot." She pointed out. "I know." "I think you should go home and get better." She insisted. "Ok, Toni I love you." "Sweetpea you have to let me go." "It's been 5 years Toni I don't think I can and you don't have to say it back because I really don't want you to say it back." She looked confused. "Why?" "Because you'll never mean it the way I mean it and it hurts too much." "Sweetpea, you're making it seem like I'll never see you again." "I am leaving for a while to work on me and get better and staying in Riverdale isn't really helping with that." "Is that the only reason?" She asked skeptically. "No, seeing you everyday isn't going to help me get over you. I love you Toni, goodbye." He walked to the door looked back and smiled. He walked to his motorcycle and drove off. Toni stood there staring at a wall. "I think you should've asked him to stay." Archie said. "Why?" She inquired. "What if he says something about Tommy killing your uncle." "He's not." Fangs said. "How do you know?" Archie asked. "He loves Toni too much." Jughead butted in.

Soon my mother came back with Aunt Alice and six little kids. "Hey you guys are all still down here." "Toni" My mother said her name. She turned to look at her. "These are your siblings." Toni walked over to them and crouched to their level. "Hi my name is Toni. I'm your sister." "Hi" They all said in unison. "Why are you crying?" One of the little boys with freckles asked. "No reason." She lied. "You're a bad liar." He said reaching out to wipe the tear. He let his hand stay there. "You're really pretty." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Do we have another sibling?" One of the little girls asked she had cute little dimples. Toni looked confused. "Yeah he's the oldest. Did your mom and dad not tell you?" "No there were only pictures of you, but there was this one book with pictures that they locked in a box. We weren't allowed to look at it, but one day a picture slipped out of the boy and he looked a lot older." The little girl continued. "Weird" Toni mumbled to herself standing up to sit on the couch. "Toni. What's your real name?" The other little boy asked. "Antoinette." She replied. "Like Marie Antoinette the super old queen of France in 1774." The little boy got excited. I was a little surprised that he knew who she was he's only 5. "Yes" she chuckled. "Cool. When were you born?" He asked. She looked at him and smiled. "How old do you think I am?" "I don't know, but you could be a princess named after your great times 5 grandmothers surname." "That means I would've been born around the 1800s or early 1900s." "I know that's why I said it." He laughed and looked at her. She gasped. "Rude I'm so hurt." She said sarcastically making the younger ones laugh. "Wait we never told you our names." The little boy said. They stood horizontally. "I'm Tina, Terri, Teresa, Tori, AJ, and I'm Trenton." They said from left to right. "I'm named after you. My name is Antoine Johnathan, But I go by Tony it AJ." He said. "What were they like when you were younger." Tori asked. Toni sighed. "I would like to say that they were amazing and loved us unconditionally, but to be honest they were terrible parents." "Why did they leave?" AJ asked. "They said it was to become better and grow." She answered. "I'm sorry they left you and that they were better parents to us." "It's ok that's not your fault." Toni assured him. "Ok little ones it's getting late, it's time for you to go back home." My mother said. They said their goodbyes and my mom left with them.

"OMG they're so adorable." Kevin screeched. "AJ has Toni's freckles, but Terri looks like her." Fangs stated. My phone dinged. I got a text message from my mom. "Toni my mom texted saying your parents want to see you are you ok with that." She shrugged. "Sure whatever."

Few hours later my mom and Toni's parents came in. It was silent for a while until Toni spoke. "So. Are you going to say anything? You asked to see me." She was annoyed. "I know you don't want to talk to us, and I know we will get past this, but the 12 years we spent together should trump the 5 years we missed." Her mother said. Toni looked up and glared at her. "You can't be serious. What 12 years. We did absolutely nothing together you were barely around. I spent most of those years wondering if you loved me or not." They looked at her shocked. "We never meant for you to feel that way we are so sorry." Her father spoke both of their eyes glistening with tears. "Please stop apologizing, sorry isn't enough and it will never be enough. You left for 5 years and came back only because uncle was murdered, not for me." "Your uncle said you would be safe and happy so we called him to take you." "Safe, he abused and raped me. I was far from safe." "He told us he quit drinking and he said he feels bad for the little girl he raped." "And you believed him. You knew he was a sex offender and still sent me to him." "We thought-" Toni interrupted her mother. "What happened to the little girl?" She questioned with tears in her eyes. "She told so he kidnapped her from school and killed her."

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