Lighten The Mood 33

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Veronica's POV
I hugged my mom so tight not wanting to let go. "Veronica if you squeeze me any tighter I'm going to pass out." I stepped back chuckling.

"We should probably set some rules. You can't go out anywhere." I said. "Why?" "Well dad told you to fake your death for some unknown reason and if he sees you out and about then he might kill you." I added. "I could have a disguise or I NBC oils be a long lost twin." My mom suggested. "No that's dumb and too obvious." "We could just move to New York."

"No. Dad already tried to make me do that and I don't want to leave." "I could talk to the St. Clairs." My mom sounded hopeful. "They're working with daddy." She seemed occupied and I realized she was looking at my arm.

"What happened to your arm?" She grabbed it worried. "Dad was trying to take me with him and he probably grabbed too tight." "Has he done anything else?" Mrs B asked. "No. He hasn't hit me in a while, he only does when he gets really drunk, but he hasn't really been drinking." "How come we never saw any of the bruises at cheer?" "He hit me where you can't really see and I was just good at hiding it."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Toni gave me a slight hug. "Same reason you didn't. I was scared." "Did he threaten you?" Betty asked. "He said he would kill us if we ever said anything." Betty's phone rung and she answered.

"Mom why did you call?" Betty made a face. I heard from the other end a muffled 'where are you'. "We're in Aunt Penelope's room in the hidden space under the floor."

A few minutes later Mrs. Cooper came in. "Ooh it's a party in here." She said trying to lighten the mood. "Shut up Alice." Mrs. Blossom said. "Why are they still awake, they have school tomorrow." "Not Toni, she's suspended."

Toni's POV
"We haven't properly met, I'm Alice." She held out her hand and I shook it. "Why are you suspended?" She asked intrigued. "Principal Weatherbee got all butt hurt because I told him not to touch me with his old man hands." Cheryl looked at me shaking her head.

"Antoinette you know that's not exactly what happened." "Eww. I regret telling you people my full name." "Antoinette?" Reggie laughed. "Shut your face 'cause your name isn't all that either Reginald. Fangs and Kevin are my only friends." I crossed my arms. "Don't put me in this, I'm not about to have your scary girlfriend mad at me." Fangs said.

"I'm not scary." Cheryl pouted adorably. "Look you made her upset." I went to hug her. "It's ok Fangs is being a meanie." I stuck my tongue out at him and he did it back. "You two are seriously 5 year olds." Cheryl smiled. We both put our hands over our chest.

"Rude." We said in unison. We looked at each other. "Stop copying me." We said at the same time again. We looked at each other shocked. "On the count of three we say 3 things." I said. "Ok" he nodded. "1 2 3. Potatoes, chicken, red lobster." We said all at the same time. Both of our eyes widened. "Toni do you know what this means?" He said slightly whispering. I nodded. "We're psychic." Fangs and I said in unison.

Veronica looked at us like we were on crack. "Why are y'all like this?" She asked rhetorically. Kevin looked at us horrified. "You two are so freaking weird." I playfully rolled my eyes. "If we're weird what's normal." Al he could say was shut up.

"What was all that for?" Mrs. B pointed between Fangs and I. "Just for fun, it was getting kind of boring." "I like you." Mrs Cooper pointed at me. "Thank you, I like me too. For someone who's parents abandoned them I turned out pretty great. Speaking of parents straight from hell, where are the children they spawned when they left?"

They're down in the basement with Tommy." Mrs B answered. I crossed my arms. "Tommy and I are not on speaking terms." I said jokingly. "You're just salty because he called you extra gay, and if I'm being honest he isn't wrong." Kevin stated. "You're one to talk." I fired back. "Are we all going to ignore Cheryl. She's the queen of gayness." Betty added. "Don't put me in this, I was very content with not being included in this conversation."

"I'm mean she's not wrong, you're gayness levels are through the roof." I teased. "Shut up Antoinette." I groaned. "Why do you feel the need to use my full name." "Because you push my buttons." I smiled brightly at her because I know she loves it and she immediately smiled back.

"Cheryl's pus-" Fangs started and Cheryl glared at him and he stopped talking. "Finish that sentence and I'll choke you." She spoke harshly. "Go right ahead, I like being choked." "Ew. I'm telling your mom." I pulled out my phone and I saw a text, but I didn't know who it was from, it read.

Unknown: "You're a whore and you should kill yourself you dyke."

I dropped my phone and I heard my name being called but I couldn't really hear anything other than his voice. "You're worthless. You're a slut. You whore. Don't tell anyone you dyke. Stop crying all you had to do was like boys. You like don't you. You should've cut deeper." I heard his voice it was so loud that I couldn't concentrate on anything else. I sat down on the floor with my knees up to my chest and thought to myself, maybe I should have. I started to here other voices that were calling my name eventually getting louder.

My vision was a little blurry from the tears streaming down my face, but I could see red hair.

"Toni" I didn't answer. "Toni" She spoke again.

Opposites Attract~ ChoniOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora