Everyone Knows 17

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Cheryl's POV
We were walking to the student lounge. "Are you seriously that disgusted by him touching you? He's one of the hottest guys at the school like look at him." Veronica said. "Veronica I thought you were smarter. I'm gay not blind, my eyes work I just don't like guys that way, you should know you like guys and girls right." "Yeah, but I'm pansexual meaning I don't like people based on gender." We sat in the student lounge and Veronica sat next to me. "What about your 3rd grade boyfriend?" "That was 3rd grade I didn't know I was gay until 5th grade and why are you asking so many questions." "Besides the point, so what if a guy accidentally brushed up against you, would you get disgusted?" "No that's totally different. Reggie rubbed my arm sexually he has never actually touched me before and it was just gross." "You know he was actually hitting on you." Toni said. "How do you know?" Josie likes at her. "Because I know Reggie he was persistent that's what he did with me and if he was faking he would've laughed in your face and said you really thought I was flirting with you and walked off." "Ew I'm way too gay for this. When my brother was alive he told me that one of his friends said they would fuck me until I couldn't walk and I almost threw up at the thought of some guys balls smacking against me." I gagged just thinking about it. "When you say it like that you make sex all together sound gross." Toni said and the bell for first hour rung.

We all met up at the end of 7th. "So everyone knows now?" Fangs asked. "Yeah, Reggie was flirting with me and I rejected him multiple times he asked if I was gay and I replied very actually." "Good for you." Fangs gave me a high five. "Sweetpea I know you were trying to protect me, but control your anger." Toni said. "Fine, but why are you giving him a free pass? What he said to you was wrong and uncalled for." "I'm not giving hi-" "Yes you are!" Sweetpea yelled at her making her flinch. "Why are you yelling at me?" "I'm sorry Toni I just got mad-" "Look I get it, but you can't get mad because I'm giving Reggie a so called free pass if anything I'm giving you a free, so calm your ass down and stop yelling at me." She stormed off and sat in her car. "Veronica go talk to her." Jughead said. "Why me she's just tolerating me for the moment this isn't going to last." "Fine I'll go." He said. "No. When I'm upset I don't want to be bothered and she stormed off meaning she doesn't want to talk to anyone, so let her be for right now." I said. "Just because you're in love with Toni doesn't give you the right to yell at her." I said to Sweetpea. "I'm not in love with her I just like her." He denied. "Sure you're not, but let's get to my house now." I said.

Toni still seemed upset when we made it back. In the living room we sat down on the couches. "Toni I wanted to apologize for earlier and I never apologized for your wrist I'm sorry." "Sweetpea we are still friends and I don't think I could ever stop being your friend and I'm mad at you and not to sound harsh, but all you'll ever be is my friend." "Then why did you date me in the 5th grade?" He asked. "Because you asked me and I didn't want to be mean and turn you down right on the spot." He scoffed. "Sure you didn't want to be mean." "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. "It means you've been a little bitch ever since the 6th grade shutting everyone out and being rude to everyone in your path, including me. You deserve everything that happened to you." He said tears streaming down Toni's face. "What the hell are you talking about." "You broke up with me over text and told everyone that I was a whore and I had a small you know." "Is that why you didn't talk to me for 9 months? Why didn't you say anything because I never did any of that." "Yes you did." "Dude no I didn't." "Yes you did!" His voice got louder as he stepped closer to her and Jughead stepped next to her. "If you think I did then why do you still like me?" "I don't know!" He yelled. "Why are you yelling?" "Because you keep lying and playing with my emotions. Why did you do it?" "I didn't do it for the last time." "Sweetpea." Veronica said his name. "What?" He didn't make eye contact still glaring at Toni. "It was me." He turned his head so quickly that he could've gotten whiplash. "How it came from her number?" "I had spent the night and she went to take a shower. I took her phone and texted you then I sent to everyone from our school in her contacts that you were a whore." "You know what I should punch you in your face right now." Toni spoke up while Jughead held her back. "Why would you do that?" Sweetpea asked her. "I honestly don't remember why." "Yes you do." I said. "What would you know?" She sneered. "Think about it, Sweetpea and Toni were dating then a few years later you and Toni start dating, you were obviously jealous because you liked Toni." I finished and Toni went to hug Sweetpea. "I'm sorry she said those things about you, but why did you still talk to me afterwards, I wouldn't have." He pulled back and looked at her. "Because.." he paused. "It's you." Toni let go and sat on the couch. "Veronica I can't believe you would even do that." Sweetpea said. "It wasn't just me it was Jughead too. He's the one that posted from her account that you had a small dick."  Sweetpea shot daggers at him. "Why?" He questioned. "Because Toni and I were getting close until you came and asked her out, she was mine first." Jughead said. "No she wasn't." Sweetpea countered. "Shut up I'm not an object to fight over!" Toni yelled.

I'm going to post chapter 18 a little later, but would you also like me to post chapters 19 and 20 as well.

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