Going Against Time

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The Doctor was at a local junkyard and looked up.

His focus was a man in a black hoodie, perhaps the attacker from the election rigging...

He ran after him.

So did the person.

The person lets the Doctor pursue him, zig-zagging all over.

When suddenly...

A punch collided to the Doctor's face, in turn, the Doctor kneel-jabbed his attacker.

Both pull out their tools.

They aimed at each other. A chain reaction was made...

The opposing forces pushed them back.

This prompted his attacker to leave quickly.

The Doctor looked up as he fixed his bow-tie, but there wasn't anyone there...

Dipper Pines wakes up and screams.

Mabel Pines smiled, "Mornin', Dipper, guess who!"

"Oh, what joy. If it isn't Mr. Upside-Downington. How long's it been? Third grade, maybe?"

"That's right. And I'm here to deliver you an upside-downington-tastic message!"

"Is it the message that we're getting too old for this sort of thing?"

"Um, kinda, actually. It's that we are exactly one week away from our 13th birthday!"

"Whoa! Our birthday's coming up already? Soon we're gonna be actual teenagers!"

"Finally! I can stop reading preteen magazines and start reading post-preteen magazines!"

"PG-13 movies, here I come!"

"And just one more year until high school. High school, Dipper! Where girls become women and they teach us stuff about... You know what."


"Oh yeah, baby!"

Stan Pines and Soos Ramirez enter the room.

"That's not the only good news coming up! In one week my senior citizen's ponytail kit is coming in the mail. I'm...I'm kinda going through some things."

"In one week, my grandma is finally letting me eat crackers on my bed! The future is coming for us all, dudes." Soos adds in.

Everyone motioned their hands if they made a rainbow, "The Future!"

Dipper laughs, "I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously with that face on your chin."

Mabel giggles, "What face, Dipper?"

"You're-You're doing the voice so you obviously know what I'm talking about-"

"Bi bon't bnow bhat bou're balking about."

Dipper and Mabel both laugh.

"There is something wrong with you."

"There's something wrong with both of us."

Suddenly Dipper stated, "Hey where's the Doctor?"

Soon at Gravity Falls High School, where Nate and Lee are messing with its sign, which says "SAWDUST INHALATION DRILL- 8:00. GO FIGHTING BEAVERS." Mabel and Soos walk inside to see the gym filled with students.

"Whoa, Soos, I thought you said this place was empty."

Wendy comes up to them, "My dawgs, what up?"

"Wendy, what are you doing here?"

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