That Sharp Nominee

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Stan wakes up as he sees the ceiling of the Mystery Shack.

"Alright Stan, another day, another random body pain. Here we go. Ugh!"

Finds a note on his desk that reads: "Dear Stan, I need something to carry milk in so I used your slippers. Love, Mabel." Stan shudders and walks into the kitchen and tries to turn on a light but the light bulb bursts. He groans and goes to find a new light bulb but finds that the box is empty except for a note that reads: "Dear Stan, I took these to build a planetarium suit for Soos! Sorry! Dipper." Stan grumbles and crumples the note.

Stan is waiting in line in a grocery store at the checkout counter with light bulbs. Robbie, Lee, Tambry and Nate show up behind him.

"Whoa, let's not take this line. There's an old person in it."

"Psh, yeah. He's probably gonna pay with like, pennies and, war bonds."

"Hey! For your information, I was gonna shoplift most of this."


Security guards rush to Stan, "Ha! Smoke bomb!" Stan throws smoke bombs on the floor that reads "Expire 11/1996"; nothing happens. "Aw, seriously?" The security guards tackle Stan. "GGAhh!"

Stan comes home bruised with the box of light bulbs.

"Ugh. Rough start to a day... But it's all gonna be worth it when I fix that light bul-"

Stan walks in to see Ford screwing in a light bulb with Dipper, Mabel, and Soos.

"And... we're... done!" Ford announced.

Dipper, Mabel and Soos all cheer.

"Does anyone see this? This is what a hero looks like right here."

"Urm-I thought we were out of light bulbs."

Ford replied, "Oh we were, so I invented my own! It will last a thousand years and the light it emits makes your skin softer!"

Dipper, Mabel and Soos rub their skin, "Oooh!"

"Never have I known such softness!"

"Anyway, where were you?"

Stan drops new light bulbs in the trash; goes to the TV and picks up the remote, "Well, TV at least you appreciate me. Give me the good news."

"This just in, the mayor is dead."


Dipper walks in with Mabel, "Whoa, what's going on?"

"Raised by bears in the wilderness, Mayor Eustace Huckabone Befufftlefumpter was best known for raising the water tower, attending Farringham School for Boys in England, serving World War I, and putting town menace Gideon Gleeful behind bars, in actual adult prison. A memorial statue is already being carved in the deceased mayor's honor... I'm sorry. It's just been so long since we've had real news. I'm just so happy!"

"There will be a town hall meeting this afternoon to discuss replacing him."

"New mayor huh? Wonder who it could be..." He sees his reflection in the TV.

Meanwhile, the Doctor goes across the room with a Stetson hat, "Howdy," He remarked rather morbidly. Meanwhile Clara was out for the day teaching kids.

Soon all the citizens of Gravity Falls in the Town Hall.

The Doctor is wearing a white shirt, black pants and bow-tie. He is also wearing a Stetson. It seems if he was mourning...

"Alright. Order! Order everyone! Calm down now! We're here to choose a mayor for the first time in almost a century. According to the town charter, a worthy candidate is defined as anyone who can cast a shadow, count to ten, and throw their hat into the provided ring."

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