Land Before Swine

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Just as usual, Sheriff Blubs is messing around with fellow officer, Deputy Durland. "...Focus, Deputy. Remember your training. Easy...easy..."

Deputy Durland is trying a children's maze game.

"You're almost there!"

Durland somehow skips the treasure chest and lands into the mouth of the shark, "Dang it! I almost got the treasure!"

"The time we spend together is treasure enough. (A rumbling starts) Hey, you feel that?"

Huge claws tear through and rip the roof off the car.

"Reckon' we should report that?"

"Or go for a ride in our new convertible!"



They drive away while a roar is heard and a Pterodactyl flies past the moon.

As usual, the Doctor is on the front porch, thinking through his memories on certain topics and above all looking out at the forest...

Clara soon came out of the Mystery Shack to meet up with the Doctor.

Meanwhile, Stan is giving out tour on the Mystery Cart.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Continuing our Mystery Tour you'll see the world famous Outhouse of Mystery! I got stuck in there once!"

"Could I go to the bathroom?"

"Save all questions until after the tour. And up ahead if you look really closely, everybody get your cameras you're gonna wanna see this."

Back at the Mystery Shack, Mabel and Waddles are looking out the window.

"Finally, Waddles, we have the whole house to ourselves! What do you think? Dance party?"

Waddles oinks.

"I'm not hearing a no!"

Mabel flips the sign from open to closed, turns on the volume of the radio, and the words "PIG DANCE PARTY" appear. Mabel dances by herself and with Waddles. They eat popsicles off the floor, Mabel squishes Waddles' face, they wear sunglasses and take pictures, eat books, and dance on the floor and table.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes...yes...yes!" Mabel falls on the ground and Waddles licks her fingers, "Uh oh! Cuddle time!" Waddles comes over and cuddles with her, "Waddles, can I tell you a secret? You're my favorite pig in the whole world."

Stan walks in, counting money. "Heh heh! Aah! Mabel? What are ya doing on the floor?"

"Being cute and great!" As Mabel squishes her and Waddles' faces together.

Stan puts his glasses on. "And I thought your brother and Doc was weird."

Clara scoffs looking back the Doctor, "...ppfft! That's went to travel with him too long"

"No. Dipper is more like-" as she puts on one of the hats Dipper wears and tries to mock his voice, "Aaah! Let's solve a mystery! I kiss a pillow with Wendy's face drawn on it!"

"Ha ha ha. That's pretty good. Kissin' a pillow."

Waddles starts chewing on Stan's pants.

"Go, go! Chew that pant leg!"

"Ugh!" Stan raises his leg and Waddles tears off a piece of his pants, "Alright! Outside! Now!"

"No! Grunkle Stan! It's not safe for Waddles outside! There's predators! And "barbecuers!"

"That's just the natural order! It's not my fault your pig's potentially delicious!"

"He should be inside like a person."

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