The Hand that Rocks Mabel

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As usual con-man to keep up an appearance, Stan Pines is out in the front yard with gullible tourists. "For tonight's final illusion, we have the incredible "Sack of Mystery." When you put your money in, it mysteriously disappears!"

The crowd mutters several positive things about the trick's credibility and Stan's character. Stan smiles at his gain and their loss.

The Doctor meanwhile, is brushing up the certain attraction of a blue police box. He thought fondly of certain events that will happen pretty soon...

TV Narrator: The tiger was badly injured in the explosion, but we repaired him with a fist. Tiger Fist! ...will return after these messages.

Soos Ramirez then stated, "Hey, look. It's that commercial I was telling you guys about."

Are you completely miserable?


Then you need to meet Gideon.

"Gideon?" Dipper questioned.

"What makes him so special?" Mabel added in.

He's a psychic. So don't waste your time with other so-called "man of mystery."

The screen shows a clip of Stan coming out of an outhouse and is stamped with the word "FRAUD."

Learn about tomorrow tonight at Gideon's Tent of Telepathy.

"Wow, I'm getting all curiousy inside!"

Stan walks in. "Well, don't get too curiousy. Ever since that monster Gideon rolled into town, I've had nothin' but trouble."

"Well, is he really psychic?"

"I think we should go and find out with the Doctor. Afterall, he knows about this place as well you do, Grunkle Stan."

"NEVER! You're forbidden from patronizing the competition. No one that lives under my roof is allowed under that Gideon's roof!"

"Do tents have roofs?"

"I think we just found our loop hole... literally!"

Later, the twins found the Doctor with Clara Oswald to investigate who Gideon actually was. They all head for the Tent of Telepathy.

"So come down soon, folks. Gideon is expecting you."

Bud Gleeful aka Gideon's father, stands at the entrance with a sack.

"Step right up there, folks. Put your money in Gideon's psychic sack."

Crowd mutters several positive things about the sack's credibility.

"Whoa, this is like a bizarro and reverse version of the Mystery Shack. They even have their own Soos."

Dipper points to a maintenance worker who looks very similar to Soos, named Deuce. Soos glares at the lookalike while munching on an empanada.

"Jelly-Babies, anyone?" The Doctor interrupted the mood. "Is candy is all you think of in this peculiar show?" Clara chuckled.

"Thanks Doc! Oh-it's starting! It's starting!"

"Let's see what this "monster" looks like."

"I think people are watching too much TV about foreshadowing" The Doctor stated.

Curtains open and, behold a certain little boy-Gideon appears on the stage.

"Hello America! My name is Li'l Gideon."

Gideon claps and doves fly out of his hair. The crowd cheers.

"That's Stan's mortal enemy?"

"Meh, it is a long story" The Doctor says.

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