BoyZ Crazy!

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The Mystery Shack Gift Shop's security feed has Stan talking to a customer. Wendy and Dipper are voicing over what they say.

"Do you have this T-shirt in my size?"

"I have something even better! Behold: My butt!"

Dipper and Wendy laugh, the latter is holding a packet of chips.

Dipper whispers, "I could play this game forever."

"What'd you say?"

"Coughing! I was coughing! Those weren't words!"

Mabel laughs, "This is fun, what you two have."

"Mabel? How long have you been standing there?"

"Don't worry about that. Let's talk about why I'm doing this dance! Do-do-do-do-do..."

"Oh, no! She got into the Smile Dip again!"

"Wrong one-thousand! It's because today is the greatest day of my life!"

Mabel throws a calendar at Dipper's face.


"Sev'ral Timez is playing at the Gravity Falls Civic Center and Buffet!"

"Ugh. Sev'ral Timez? Aren't they that boy band that came a decade too late?"

Mabel is standing posed with her arms crossed.

"Mabel, you know all those boy bands are fake, right?"

Mabel has started dancing.

Wendy adds in, "Dipper's right. They're just a manufactured product of the bloated corporate music industry."

Mabel pouts, "You're making my dance sad..."

Mabel stops dancing.

Dipper snorts, "There's probably a machine that mass-produces them."

"Oh ho, or maybe the boys are grown from pods." Wendy jokes.

Dipper and Wendy bursts into laughter.

"Yeah, pods, totally!"

"You guys can't ruin this for me. Mabel's got back up!"

Grenda and Candy enter the shop.

"Hey guys!"

"Chiu Woot-woot!"

"Who's ready for the greatest night of our lives? How many times am I gonna love ya?"

Mabel, Grenda, Candy shout together, "Sev'ral times!"

The three laugh and run off. They quickly pass by the Doctor who is walking from the blue box attraction...

"Ugh. Girls." Dipper stated.

"I know, right?" Wendy jokingly adds in.

The Doctor smirks, "...Please-it is the brilliance you should know about..."

Soon, Dipper and Wendy sees Robbie in the gift shop.

Dipper pretends as Robbie, "Hey, is this the fingerless glove store? I like things that are dumb. I'm Robbie."

Dipper and Wendy laugh.

"C'mon man..."

Robbie soon meets Wendy, "Ha ha ha ha ha. Laugh it up, chief. So Wendy, Nate and his girlfriend are going to Lookout Point this weekend. Maybe we should go too?"

"Are you kidding me? First you stand me up last night! And instead of apologizing, you want me to go to Lookout Point?!"

Dipper nervously stated, "I'll just be... over here..."

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