Bottomless Pit!

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Stan Pines is driving the Mystery Cart with the Doctor, Clara, Soos, and the twins. To stop at a certain mysterious pit...

"In this land of ours, there are many great pits. But none more bottomless than the bottomless pit. Which as you can see here is bottomless."

"Question. Is it bottomless?" Soos rhetorically asked.

Stan sighs, "Kids, Doc, can one of you try explaining this to Soos?"

The Doctor flaps his fedora while re-searching items in his pockets, "That's what we asked about it can be a strange weirdness source...reminds me that crack in reality for that struggle where Multi-Bear was living..." The Doctor murmurs.

Clara looked at the hole with extreme curiosity.

Dipper questions, "Grunkle Stan, Doc, why are we here again?"

"To dispose of things that we don't want. Found this peculiar place long after settling around here with-AH HA! Found it! So long, Mystery Shack suggestion cards!" As he throws some cards down into the pit.

Mabel adds in, "Goodbye, creepy love letters from Li'l Gideon!" Mabel throws letters and gifts away. "Die! Die!"

"He still sends them?" As the Doctor raises one of his brows.

Soos takes off his shoes and throws them in the pit randomly.

"What are you doing?"

"Throwing stuff, dude. Everyone's doin' it." As he grabs and throws a barbecue grill down the pit.

Clara was still stared at the endless dark void. "Now its in the hole" she deadpans.

Mabel is pushing a large chained box toward the pit.

Stan asks, "What you got there, Mabel?"

Mabel replies nonchalantly, "Oh, it's just my personal box of mysterious secrets. Nothing worth wondering about." Mabel giggles and pushes the box down the pit, "Goodbye forever!"

"Grunkle Stan, do I really have to be the one to point out that a bottomless pit is, by definition, impossible?"

Stan shaking cards out of his fez down the pit, rolling his eyes wistfully. "Says you."

"Well, I guess we'll never know." Clara speculates.

"Yeah, you don't have to-" Stan was interrupted by a gust of wind.

Wind starts blowing.

Soos shouts, "Aah! It's some sort of invisible pushing force!"

"Quick! Everyone back to the shack!" As Dipper runs toward the house.

"I'm not done getting rid of these yet!" Stan tries throwing more cards into the bottomless pit but the wind blows them into his face. "Argh-NOT AGAIN!"

Stan fell in the hole.

Mabel shouts, "Grunkle Stan! No!"

Soos, Dipper, Mabel, Clara, and the Doctor looked each other.

"...Oh, All for God's Sakes! Avante!" The Doctor shouted, adding "GERONIMO!"

"DOCTOR!" Clara shouted, attempted to stop him but fell into the gapping hole down to follow him.

"Whoo-Hoo! Grunkle Stan! We're coming for you!"

"Sounds like a bad idea but-Grunkle Stan!"

"Guys, Let's Stick Together!"

All jump into the pit; screaming and whooping, while following Stan.

Meanwhile, on top Gompers bleats.

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