Tourist Trapped

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A/N: REWRITE of Doctor Who and Gravity Falls crossover. Destination: Year 2012. Eye any references/Easter Eggs (mild SPOILERS for certain references in the future chapters).

Enjoy! I do not own Doctor Who or Gravity Falls. DW belongs to BBC and GF belongs to Alex Hirsch. Was written in the time when Jodie Whittaker was announced as the new lead for Dr Who, and Alex Hirsch joining up for new Netflix's projects. Credits for the story's head image. Constructive Criticism welcome-no flames or spam please. Cryptograms are in A-1, Z-26.


Ah, summer break. A time for leisure, recreation, and taking it easy.

Unless you're us.


"It's getting closer!"

The monster tries to catch the vehicle but just falls short. The golf cart flies off a rock and lands roughly.

My name is Dipper. The girl about to puke is my sister Mabel. You may be wondering what we're doing in a golf cart, fleeing from a creature of unimaginable horror.

"Look out!"

The cart bounced up off the cliff. "Owch!" shouted a woman next to him.

That's Clara, an invited British tourist that is recently visiting this strange town.

"You are doing Great! Just hold On! Just need to Reverse the Polarity of the-ACK!"

And in addition of our selective godparent who is a British weirdo with a bow-tie.

Rest assured, there's a perfectly logical explanation. Let's rewind. (Flashback) It all began when our parents decided we could use some fresh air, they choose our family's friend named "John Smith" to stay and ship with us up north to a sleepy town called Gravity Falls, Oregon, to stay at our great-uncle's place in the woods via a yellow old-fashioned car that John (or rather, "Doc-or The Doctor" as he liked us to call him) has.

"This attic is amazing. Check out all my splinters!"

"And there's a goat on my bed."

"Hey, friend. Oh! Yes, you can keep chewing on my sweater. Heh-Heh"

My sister tended to look on the bright side of things.

"Yay! Grass!"

Our godfather is a great person and friend with an electric and passionate mind.

Although he is well-known Piedmont community member (such as being a wonderful substitute teacher...), he knows our great-uncle, and his employees very well...and this seemingly strange town. Apparently due to "boring educational reasons" he invited a special guest named Clara Oswald a while ago.

"...and almost done-and THERE! Good'ol Bessie is back where she is, and all of the packages neat and done! Say, both of you ready for excitement? How about you Clara?"

"Still getting used to this peculiar town that's for sure" Clara responded wistfully.

As am I. It seems that I was having a hard time getting used to our new surroundings.


"Ah! Stan!" Clara exclaimed. "You almost scared your distant nephew and niece!"

"Ahahahaha! Hahaha!"

And then there was our Great Uncle Stan.

"That guy! OOF! *Cough* It was worth it."

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