Irrational Treasure

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The twins are eating Corncornos inside Stan's car. Stan is honking while Mabel attaches nachos from her chip bag to her ears. The Doctor is looking through his pockets while Clara still amazed by its peculiarity of holding many objects.

"Haha! Nacho earrings. I'm hilarious!"

Stan Pines replies, "That's debatable. Aw, come on, what's with all this traffic? And why is it all...covered wagons? Oh no! No! No! Not today! Not today!"

A few women gasp in the presence of him nearly running them over. He backs up, and begins to drive the car backwards.

Dipper Pines asks,"Grunkle Stan, what's going on?"

"We gotta get outta here. Before it's too late!" He sees that his car his trapped between a group of covered wagons. "They've circled the wagons! We're trapped! Nooooooooo!"

"Hm? Something happened?" The Doctor looks up. Clara shrugs and rolls her eyes, "Just Stan is freaking out about a town's festival."

Mabel looks outside her window and sees a cow. "I've gotta good feeling about today."

The twins, Stan, Clara, and the Doctor get out of the car and walk around an old fashioned-looking Main Street.

"Man. Look at the town." Dipper holds a post card up for a second. When he lowers it, the town is a sepia shade, but it is just due to a pane of dirty glass.

"Dirty glass. We got dirty glass! Dirty glass."

"Ah, boy. It's Pioneer Day. Every year these yahoos dress up like idiots to celebrate the day Gravity Falls was founded."

Toby Determined shouts, "Welcome to 1863!"

"I will break you, little man!"

"Ahh!" As he runs away and crashes into a barrel.

A view of people are doing various activities, panning to candle dipping.

"Wow! Look! Candle dipping!"

People are doing gold panning. Old Man McGucket, who is also gold panning. "Gold!"

"Whoa, gold panning!"

"I now pronounce you man and wife." A priest states.

A woodpecker pecks her supposed husband's hand.

"I do!"

"What chu talking 'bout?"

"Oh yeah. I remember this." Dipper takes out Journal 3, "In Gravity Falls it used to be legal to marry woodpeckers."

Woodpecker guy replies, "Oh, it's still legal. Very legal."

"Come one and all for the opening ceremonies!"

"Grunkle Stan, you coming?"

"No, thank you! Just remember if you come back to the Shack talking like these people, you're dead to me."

"There's a carpetbagger in the turnip cellar!"

"Well hornswabber my haversack!"

Dipper and Mabel both spit on ground and run off, laughing.

Stan shouts, "Dead to me!"

"Oh, come off it Stan, besides...something exciting is about to come off..." The Doctor says wistfully.

A crowd assembles around a large stage.

"Here-ye, here-ye! Ye olde commencement ceremony is about to commence."

Deputy Durland ringing bell. "Woo! I got a bell!"

A robber steals an old woman's purse.

"Oh, no! Police, my purse!"

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