Dungeons, Dragons-Oh My!

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After the giant revelation from before, everyone took a break to relax from it. Mabel Pines blows bag of Cheese Boodles into the air, bag slowly drifts down, "I just ate a bag of Cheese Boodles without using my hands. Lazy Tuesday, you are delivering in a big way!"

"Heh. Yeah. It's nice to finally have a day where nothing interesting happens whatsoever-"


Ford Pines comes out of the vending machine door with a Cycloptopus on his wrist.

The Doctor shouted, "What-In-The-Name-of-The-Universe-is-that?! A Skaro mutant?!"

"Get down! Don't let it taste human flesh!" Ford punches it and it drops off his hand crawls around the room.

"What is it?!"

"Can we keep it?"

Stan hits it with a rolled up newspaper, "Kill it! Kill it!"

Ford chases it into the corner, "Patience... and-"

When the cycloptopus' eye turns into a screaming mouth. "Gotcha!" he hocks it with his gloves and holds up its burnt body.

"Great. Now get it outta here. It smells like if death could barf!"

Dipper runs over to Ford with Journal 2, "Great uncle Ford! You need any help with that? I've read all about these creatures in your journal, and I think I know how to-"

"No! I'm sorry, Dipper, but the dark weird road I travel, I'm afraid you cannot follow."

He pauses, "Well, call me for dinner!" He closes the vending machine door behind him.

"Maybe next time then? Or not? Or never."

"Aww, Dipper, don't take it so hard."

Stan swats Dipper with a newspaper, "No, do take it hard. Take it hard and serious. My brother is a dangerous know-it-all, and the stuff he's messing with is even worse. Do yourself a favor and stay away from his work, you hear me? Don't want to lose you, like I did to him for thirty years..."

"But, Grunkle Stan, all summer long I've wanted to know who the author of the journal was. Now the guy lives in our basement and I can't even talk to him."

"Don't worry about what's in the basement. You belong up here with us!" He motioned to him with Mabel and the Doctor.

"Yeah! Besides, the season finale of Duck-tective is airing this Friday! That's all the mystery you'll need this week. Quack with us, Dipper! Quack, quack quack quack..."

"Huha, yeah! Quack quack, quack quack..."

"Quack quack quack, a quack quack quaaaacck. Quuaaaaa-Why isn't he quacking?"

"I don't think that's how you say 'hello' in duck" The Doctor stated. "Well-then! I'll be in my TARDIS, if you kids want to explore it again...still need to see if it works after working that portal-zip! Crash! Zoom! Never mind that's confusing being a screwball jones, or the multiversity!"

The Doctor went into the attractions area. Clara was chatting recently with Wendy.

He took a moment to view his own "home": The TARDIS.

Ever since he crashed in state of New Jersey, he remembered the adventures with young Stan and Ford.

But time was harsh on them...

Gravity Falls was promising, as they meet up with Fiddleford McGucket, who was also interested of the Doctor's bio.

"Say Stanford, I wonder if you're interested in writing catalogs down here... instead of losing post-its..."

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